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Indicator menu takes forever to appear

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    Indicator menu takes forever to appear

    on Ninjatrader7 when I right click on the chart and click on "indicators" menu the list takes forever to appear.
    Does anyone knows why ?
    It seems not to depend on the indicator because I removed them all and till shows the problem.
    Thank you

    Hello giogio1,

    Thank you for your post.

    As a test, please take the following steps to force NinjaTrader to start without your saved workspace. You will have the option to reopen these after our tests.
    • Shut down NinjaTrader
    • Navigate to (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7\workspaces
    • Delete the file named "_Workspaces.XML". DO NOT delete the 'workspaces' folder - only delete the '_Workspaces.XML' file within the 'workspaces' folder
    • After deleting this file, restart NinjaTrader which should start up without any workspaces.
    • Once NinjaTrader has started on just the control center, please open a new chart with no custom bar types/indicators/templates and test for issues when right-clicking and selecting Indicators.
    • *Please note this will not delete your workspace however the new blank workspace will be named Untitled1. If you have a workspace already named "Untitled1," however, you will not want to save the workspace when exiting NinjaTrader, otherwise, it will overwrite it.

    If there are no issues on this new workspace, please try opening the previous workspace by going to File--> Workspaces--> Open workspace.

    If this reintroduces issues, I would suggest rebuilding your workspace, adding 1 indicator at a time. Please keep track of what indicators you add back in so that we can narrow down what indicator is causing the issue if the issue returns. I also suggest making a backup of your workspace so we can restore a backup if the issue returns.

    I have provided a link below to our Help Guide that goes over backing up and restoring.
    Please let me know the results of this test.
    Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      I did a lot of testing and ultimately it boils down to this:
      I removed all customs indicators recompiled and the problem remained, then I removed all non Ninjatraders DLL in Custom (by just altering the Config.xml) and the problem disappeared.
      After that I put everything back, recompiled and the problem was still gone. It was fixed.
      It is ok but This behavior is puzzling, I wander if you can make a guess of what this could be. This behavior was identical in two machines.
      I am moving to Ninjatrader 8, lowly but steadly...
      Thank you for your support.


        Hello giogio1,

        Thank you for your reply.

        I would not be able to guess the cause of the behavior. It was likely from one of the custom DLL files; if the problem reintroduces itself at any point, I suggest removing items one at a time and testing after each one. At the point where the problem is solved, then the last item to be removed is probably the culprit.

        Now that you have everything in working order, if you have not already I suggest making a backup file that you could use to easily restore your installation in case of any future issues. For more details on creating and restoring backup archives, please see the following help guide section:

        Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.
        Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Thank you Emily!
          Does the Backup include the addons? I noced that when I do the Export of the addons I need to select them one by one and they are so many that I gave up. Is there a way to export all addons without having to select them one by one?


            Hello giogio1,

            Thank you for your reply.

            Yes, one of the backup options is "NinjaScript Files" which will include all of your addons as well. All items available to select/deselect when creating a backup are: Configuration files, Database, Historical chart data, Log and trace files, Market Replay data, NinjaScript files, Templates, and Workspaces.

            The export of an addon also includes the reference that gets added to the configuration file; exporting only NinjaScript files in a backup does not include the reference, so in some cases references to the DLLs may need to be added in the ninjaScript Editor.

            Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions or concerns.
            Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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