i want to develop a strategy which trades morning revearsals.
But my strategy anazlyser get no result.
I would like to express the following with the strategy: - if the first candlestick of the current day opens between 3 and 10% higher, a limit should be set slightly higher (0.5%) than the previous day.
GapUpPriorDayHighRangeLow = 1.03;
GapUpPriorDayHighRangeHigh = 1.1;
// Set 1
if ((Bars.IsFirstBarOfSession == true)
&& ((Open[0] * GapUpPriorDayHighRangeLow) >= Close[1])
&& ((Open[0] * GapUpPriorDayHighRangeHigh) <= Close[1]))
EnterLongLimit(Convert.ToInt32(TradeSize), (PriorDayOHLC1.PriorHigh[0] * LimitüberPriorHigh) , "");
Hope you can help me.