I am still quite astonished to see that Nt7 and NT8 optimizers provide such different results. I insist on testing this because obtaining good parameters is the basis of a strategy that works.
I attach the strategy I created in a NT7 and NT8 format (CompareOptimizerNT7.cs, CompareOptimizerNT8.cs). This is a simple and useless strategy with the only aim to compare results intending to fix this.
I am also aware of the randomness effect of using GO optimizer. To avoid this I repeated many times the execution of the optimizer in both versions obtaining the same results in every execution in NT7 and also in NT8 but still different between both versions (NT7 Results GO Summary.JPG, NT7 Results GO Trades.JPG, NT8 Results GO Summary.JPG, NT8 Results GO Trades.JPG).
I also did the same using the default optimizer that should also offer the same results, but the outcome is still different (NT7 Results Default Optimizer.JPG, NT8 Results Default Optimizer.JPG).
To make sure that I did not set the wrong settings in the panel I took the parameters obtained in NT7 and copied them in the NT8 settings panel. As you can see in this case, results are identical with an irrelevant difference in profits (NT7 Results in NT8 1.JPG, NT7 Results in NT8 2.JPG).
After this, I can conclude that there are still bugs to fix in the NT8 optimizer. I am also surprised that in NT7 I always get better results than in NT8.
My best regards