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NS Editor - Find and Replace - Small Issue

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    NS Editor - Find and Replace - Small Issue

    Recently notice that if I have NS Editor open in a workspace, and the Find and Replace is open..

    When I open any other workspace.. the Find and Replace of that now inactive/hidden ws editor is still visible..

    While I'm on this topic.. another observation and question:

    It seems I'm no longer plagued with the random issues I use to experience when having multiple editors and/or output windows open across many workspaces all at the same time..


    Is there now currently any restrictions on how many editors and/or output windows that can be open across any number of open workspaces?

    Hypothetically.. say I had 6 ws's open.. and 2 editors and 2 output windows open in each.. Could or should this cause issue?

    I realize this is a nonsense type scenario.. and More concerned with output windows really..

    But having one open output window in multiple open workspace caused issues previously...

    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis

    Hello -=Edge=-,

    There were some changes to the NinjaScript Editor in the latest release, but I'm not seeing anything specific about that.

    There may be fixes that were not reported..

    No, there are no limitations on how many editor windows are open. But NT only allows one output window to be open per workspace.

    I was able to reproduce the behavior with the Find window staying open when the workspace is switched and I have reported the behavior to our development.

    Once I have a tracking ID for this I will post in this thread.
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
      No, there are no limitations on how many editor windows are open. But NT only allows one output window to be open per workspace. I was able to reproduce the behavior with the Find window staying open when the workspace is switched and I have reported the behavior to our development.


      Guess while we are talking about editor..

      Regions are acting up again..

      They're opening and closing automatically as script is edited again..

      This was fixed at one time.. Seems to have crept back..

      NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


        Hello -=Edge=-,

        I am not able to reproduce this behavior using Below is a link to a video.

        Using the exact steps shown in this video are you experiencing different behavior?
        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
          Hello -=Edge=-,

          I am not able to reproduce this behavior using Below is a link to a video.

          Using the exact steps shown in this video are you experiencing different behavior?

          It is not constantly reproducible.. but defiantly still happening, and thought I should bring to your attention..

          Free online storage and sharing with 2 GB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth per month for free. We won't compress, alter or take ownership of your content.

          NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


            Hello -=Edge=-,

            If you are typing a # symbol, this for a moment breaks the script and causes compile errors because there is no #endregion.

            The regions below are expanding because the regions below are for that moment no longer regions until the #endregion is added.

            Does this occur when using any other characters that do not cause temporary compile errors?
            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
              Does this occur when using any other characters that do not cause temporary compile errors?

              Typing any of the keys below immediately shows errors in editor and un-collapses regions..
              (although from last couple secs of vid, seem some regions kind of in an in-between state)

              ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = [ ] \ | ? / < > (possibly more)

              Typing any other key (ANY single key) still immediately shows errors in editor..

              But does Not un-collapse any regions..

              Edit: Additionally just noticed:

              "for" "foreach" "if"

              ALL also un-collapse regions...

              once the "(" is added regions come back..

              Last edited by -=Edge=-; 11-13-2019, 05:50 AM.
              NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis



                Guess while we are talking about this.. Feature Request:

                Add Region to "Insert Code Snippet"

                Allow user to highlight whatever lines of code..

                Then use Insert Code Snippet to automatically place region codes above and below..
                (just name the region anything.. NSERegion.. or whatever for placeholder)

                Free online storage and sharing with 2 GB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth per month for free. We won't compress, alter or take ownership of your content.

                Would sure simplify and ease the organization of code for use in NSEditor..

                NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


                  Hello -=Edge=-,

                  I've seen this happen in visual studio but I am still unable to reproduce using the NinjaScript Editor in

                  Can you reproduce this in a new script with the steps I have provided in the video linked below?

                  If not, please export your script and post this with your reply so that I may test if there is code within the script that triggers this behavior.

                  To export a NinjaTrader 8 NinjaScript so this can be shared and imported by the recipient do the following:
                  1. Click Tools -> Export -> NinjaScript...
                  2. Click the 'add' link -> check the box(es) for the script(s) and reference(s) you want to include
                  3. Click the 'Export' button
                  4. Enter a unique name for the file in the value for 'File name:'
                  5. Choose a save location -> click Save
                  6. Click OK to clear the export location message
                  By default your exported file will be in the following location:
                  • (My) Documents/NinjaTrader 8/bin/Custom/ExportNinjaScript/<>
                  Below is a link to the help guide on Exporting NinjaScripts.

                  Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                    Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
                    To export a NinjaTrader 8 NinjaScript so this can be shared and imported by the recipient do the following:

                    With all due respect.. You really didn't just post the instructions on how to export a script for me did you?

                    This is kind of why I quit posting issues some time back.. If it's not something easily reproducible.. (Most Aren't!)

                    Then you need "Me" to take the time to isolate and identify the issue w/sample code... (Time being key factor here!)

                    All my scripts are between 2k and 10k+ lines of code, have custom registration checks, and use AddOns for shared code..

                    For me to try and pull together a working sample to demonstrate this particular case would take more time than it's worth..

                    Although I am sure I could work out a reasonable rate with Ray for Troubleshooting and Consulting work if ever needed..

                    But I will keep my eyes open.. and if I come across something easily shared, will be sure to post...

                    Thanks again for your time, and please don't forget about that feature request in post #8...

                    Last edited by -=Edge=-; 11-14-2019, 04:55 AM.
                    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


                      #Edge "Although I am sure I could work out a reasonable rate with Ray for Troubleshooting and Consulting work if ever needed.."
                      Let me know how this pans out - I've got 1000s of hrs to back-charge. every single minute down to inept development in the stock platform met with It's your 3rd party indicators, it's your antivirus, it's your backup software, it's OneDrive, it's your over-complicated or corrupt workspace, we can't replicate it (using one chart and one data series), recreate your workspace from scratch

                      "Then you need "Me" to take the time to isolate and identify the issue w/sample code."
                      Recent point in case - Instrument Link - Global was recently rolled out. Works on a chart - doesn't if you use it on BOTH Charts and DOMs (pretty standard use case but not thought through nor tested). Usual bolierplate responses putting it on me. It was 'Me' that took the time to apply some grey matter to think about what could be contributing to it and isolate the problem. I 'grumbled' in a Post and Patrick's response for the masses to see was 'WE' were able to isolate the problem - no YOU weren't, I spent the hours reverse-engineering in my head what could be going on and ISOLATING it, which they were then able to REPLICATE having failed to isolate it themselves.

                      It's a cultural thing.


                        Hello -=Edge=- and brucerobinson,

                        We need to have some sort of context to run into an issue in order to chase after it. As the same with troubleshooting an issue while you are developing, the case must be reproduced so it can be debugged, tested, and have a resolution verified. If you find an issue with the platform while you are developing, you would be the most knowledgeable about the issue, and we would need you to break the case down to show us the issue at hand so we can address it.

                        We still look into issues that are not reproducible everytime, but we need someway to reasonably chase after the issue. If we don't have this, the best we can say is that we will keep an eye out for the issue so it can be addressed.

                        If you do not understand the troubleshooting steps being advised, please respectfully ask the technician you are working with. Eliminating custom scripts and narrowing down an issue to a specific script in a workspace would be necessary to get developers working with us if there is an issue with the platform or for the developer to look into an issue with their script. We can also return copies of your workspace with 3rd party components removed to make testing 3rd party components easier.

                        Anti Virus and backup/syncing software like OneDrive can cause file access violations when NinjaTrader tries to access files in the NinjaTrader documents folder.

                        The ticket ID for the Find window staying open is NTEIGHT-14170

                        We will update this thread with a tracking number for the request made in post #8.

                        If you have any additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to open a new thread.
                        JimNinjaTrader Customer Service


                          Originally posted by brucerobinson View Post
                          It's a cultural thing

                          Well let's not talk about the past.. heh.. although one thing I would have to admit...

                          It's been a very long and painful process to finally have a decent stable platform...

                          Very Valuable Lesson I Learned from this experience.. ("My Early Beta Days are Over!")

                          But Finally! I can put NT8 through the ringer.. and only randomly experience 3 issues..

                          1.) Although much much better in 19.1.. when heavily tasked, charts can still lag dom..
                          2.) Charts containing multi-dataseries scripts (Min/Tick) (Sometimes don't load all data)
                          3.) If datafeed disconnects, then automatically reconnects (Missing Data is not Reloaded)

                          The first takes an extremely volatile market and some heavy tasking of tickreplay/onrendering..
                          With the 19.1 update, for my normal environment, I haven't noticed it to be an issue anymore...

                          The second has plagued me for a long time.. Although Very Random and Not All Charts Effected..
                          Happens so seldom there is no logical way to track down why.. (reload data and all good again)

                          The third, disconnections during trading hours happens so rarely, I haven't bothered to chase..
                          I just use Control Center to disconnect and manually reconnect and everything reloads fine..

                          But Trust Me... I do understand.. It's impossible to fix something you can't reproduce..

                          If the editor issue above was effecting my scripts performance and/or ability to trade..
                          I'd be all over this to help.. but for me, hopefully my heavy lifting is finally over...

                          Although a bit frustrated and somewhat disappointed with the amount of time this has taken..
                          Along with many features that could have been better designed from the traders perspective..

                          I'd also like to say: Overall I personally have found the NT support staff to be great..
                          I don't necessarily agree with their answers at times (expected behavior - not documented)
                          and it's definitely frustrating when you run into issues that are not easily reproducible..
                          But many have gone out of their way to try and help.. Please know that this is appreciated!

                          I'm sure the root cause of this editor thing will eventually raise it's head and be found..

                          NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


                            Hello -=Edge=-,

                            We are still awaiting the Feature Request ticket to be processed.

                            1.) Although much much better in 19.1.. when heavily tasked, charts can still lag dom..
                            2.) Charts containing multi-dataseries scripts (Min/Tick) (Sometimes don't load all data)
                            3.) If datafeed disconnects, then automatically reconnects (Missing Data is not Reloaded)
                            With #1 your understanding is correct that this would be performance related. We made changes in Release 19 which force developers to use a now UI specific D2D factory which improve rendering speeds, but the concept remains that an overloaded CPU/overloaded instrument threads can cause lag to be seen in other parts of the platform. Note that rendering lag and instrument lag are different, and it is more likely that instrument processing is causing the SuperDOM to lag than custom rendering.

                            For #2, Keep in mind that you may be hitting a data provider limitation where so much data cannot be requested at once. For sake of keeping this thread on topic, could you open a new thread or write in via email if there are specifics you would like to troubleshoot further?

                            For #3, NinjaTrader does have some built in logic to check for data integrity to avoid requesting the entire set of data again. Under the right circumstances, gaps can arise. We would want to improve this area, and would need some specific details about specific occurrences. Our Product Management team also has other ideas to address these symptoms. If you hit a data gap issue with a disconnect again, could you write in to platformsupport [at] ninjatrader [dot] com with the text "Attn Jim, Data Gaps" along with your log and trace files, and as much detail as you can share regarding where the gap was seen? Screenshots will be helpful here, too.

                            When the Feature Request is available, we will reply back with a ticket ID.
                            JimNinjaTrader Customer Service


                              Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Jim View Post
                              When the Feature Request is available, we will reply back with a ticket ID.

                              Thanks Jim... and ChelseaB for trying..

                              Although definitely not going to be holding my breath for this request.. (heh)

                              This will never get enough user requests to draw the attention for consideration..
                              80% (maybe more) of all your users probably don't even know Insert Snippet exists..
                              and the other 20% don't use them.. heh.. was just a thought.. (but would be handy!)

                              I wasn't really trying to report any specific issues above, just share my experience..

                              If I come across something tangible that might help, I'll definitely let someone know..

                              NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - High Tech Trading Analysis


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