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Trading Muliple Accounts

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    Trading Muliple Accounts

    Is anyone trading multiple accounts?
    I've been trying to accomplish this for some time now and haven't found the right combination of tools, technology and brokerage.

    I was wondering if anyone using Ninja Trader has cracked this nut.

    Ideally I would use a matrix style interface and click one price to trade and the system would allocate trades to previously proportioned accounts.

    I currently use TradeStation but I can't use the matrix and trade multiple accounts without doing a separate matrix for each account.

    Can Ninja Trader do this?



    This can be done by using our account groups function. Account Groups allow you to group individual accounts into a group account. Please visit the link provided for in depth information.

    MichaelNinjaTrader Customer Service


      I'm also interested in this function. Does "group accounts" allows for a pre-determine trade allocation (trade breaks or block allocation)? ie. account 1 gets allocated 3 of block trade, account 2 gets 1, account 3 gets 4, etc. If trade is not filled at same price, how does it objectively placed trades in account?


        No unfortunately not, this function will send identical entries to all of the accounts in the group.

        It will submit the order as it is entered in the account group SuperDOM and the each account will also have its own SuperDOM for order management after the fact
        Last edited by NinjaTrader_Jessica; 08-15-2008, 10:48 AM.
        JessicaNinjaTrader Customer Service


          Need to improve account grouping

          You have to improve the account grouping feature to make it useful!

          What I urgently need is:

          -> 1. combined modification of all orders send to an account group - if the account group is selected as target.
          -> 2. multiplier for each account in an account group to allow different order sizes and allocations per account.

          A simple example would be:
          Account 1 -> Multiplier -> 1 = trade the size as given in the order qty field
          Account 2 -> Multiplier -> 2 = trade the double size as given in the order qty field
          Account 3 -> Multiplier -> 4 = trade the quadruple size as given in the order qty field

          Please add this functionality as fast as possible to allow working with account groups. For now it is not in a usable state.


            Hello cwolters,

            I will forward your suggestion to our development team and ask them if they can add this to the list of future considerations for the software.

            Thank you for your feedback.
            JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


              According to the version 6 User Guide, "
              NOTE: Subsequent cancellations and or order modifications will NOT be replicated against each order, you must manage each replicated order individually."

              This sounds like a recipe for disaster, as the Account group entry order apparently cannot be modified once entered.

              I'm trying to imagine what possible use could be made of the Account Group feature in its current state. I'd love to hear from anyone using this feature.




                You can open up multiple SuperDOM's and select each individual account part of the account group in a seperate SuperDOM and manage the order from there.
                JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


                  You can open up multiple SuperDOM's and select each individual account part of the account group in a seperate SuperDOM and manage the order from there.
                  Well, yeah, I suppose I could. But I could have done all that without Account groups. So, again I ask, what's the point of Account groups in their current form.

                  In IB's Profile Allocations I make 1 trade and the software -- the tool -- takes care of the messy details. That's what good tools do.



                    The account group feature will allow you to replicate entry orders.

                    I will forward your suggestion to manage the entry orders from the same order entry window that has the account group selected to our Development department to put it on the list of considerations for the software.
                    JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


                      Having the SuperDOM Execute a Strategy

                      What if you were able to assign a Strategy to the SuperDOM? For instance, once a trade was activated on SuperDOM the parameters of said trade would be passed to a linked strategy where the order size could be calculated using Ninja Script for each account within the group.

                      You could activate a Buy 1 Contract at 8550 Limit. The Ninja Script would take each account, use a risk factor calculation to determine the size for each account and then override the original 1 contract with a new order with new size.

                      Buy 3 Contracts at 8550 Limit ;

                      Buy 5 Contracts at 8550 Limit ;

                      Just a thought.


                        Hello tornadoatc,

                        I will forward your suggestion to our development team and ask them if they can add this to the list of future considerations for the software.

                        Thank you for your feedback.
                        JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


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