Here is how I've been iteratively testing changes to my script:
- Run the strategy
- Like the results, so save the .cs file in another directory (as a backup --- e.g., copy and paste the .cs file in an alternate file system folder).
- Make changes to the strategy from within Ninjatrader (using Tools -> Edit Ninjascript -> Strategy...)
- Recompile the script (with F5), and rewind the market replay connection
- Remove and re-add the strategies on the Strategies tab
- Rerun the strategy
- Don't like the results. So close the strategy editor in Ninjatrader, and copy over the new .cs file with the backup .cs file directly in the filesystem folder.
- Reopen the strategy editor to confirm that the new strategy is loaded. Type a period in the script and delete it, and then recompile the strategy to make sure that it's loaded.
- Remove and re-add the strategies on the Strategies tab. Also, rewind the market replay connection
- Rerun the strategy
My results differ -- which I expect. But sometimes, it's significant ($100+). Should that be expected?
Also, if I delete the cache under Ninjatrader 7\db\cache, restart Ninjatrader, and rerun; the results are also significantly different (in the order of several $100's). In this scenario, some instruments don't even have trades executed when previously, trades were executed frequently. If I rewind the market replay connection and rerun the strategy, the trades fire. But what just happened, lol?
What is the right way to run iterative backtests while tweaking a strategy file? Should I delete the cache and restart Ninjatrader everytime? I'm very concerned that the results aren't mimicking what I'd get in real time. I'm running NT 64-bit 7.0.1000.27, and using backtesting data downloaded from and I'm using Forex pairs.
I have the simulator set to enforce immediate fills, and to immediately submit live historical orders. I always replay the market replay connection from the same day/time.
If you need anymore information, please let me know. Thanks for your feedback.