I want to determine when I should fire off a second trade using my P and L.
I have a $400 Stop Loss...when I am down $200, I want to double my share size and then exit in full (all shares, closeout order) when the number hits 400.
For now I am using:
-- Entries Per Direction is set to 1
-- Entry Handling is set to Unique
-- Stop and Target submission is set to Per Entry Execution.
EDIT: Now that I see the code below outside of NT I think I see my problem, so I wold just ask for confirmation as to the following: in my second trade, I can not use Closes[2][0] as my limit price; i must define the price as something that does not update with every tick bar, is this correct?
Toy Code is as follows:
double upperLimitPrice; doubleSupportPrice; int shareQuantity; if ((Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat) && (Closes[2][0] <= upperLimitPrice) && (Closes[2][0] >= supportPrice)) {EnterLongLimit(2, true, shareQuantity, upperLimitPrice, "BuyLong");} if ((Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long) && (Position.GetProfitLoss(Closes[2][0],PerformanceUnit.Currency) <= -200.00)) {EnterLongLimit(2, true, shareQuantity, Closes[2][0], "BuyLong2");}