I've been running Ninjatrader for a few weeks checking it out and I've never seen a chart update with new data. I have to update all historical data to see the latest market which is on a 10 min delay for forex on my basic pad data plan with Barchart.com. The control center shows my instrument is getting new ticks, $EURUSD. Charts do update when connected to the simulated data feed. I only have the stock indicators and am not using any of those.
I've taken time over the last weeks to comb through all forums that have to do with charts not updating and none of those solutions work.
How to reproduce this: It always does this.
Things I've tried with no success:
* Close connection, reconnect, create a new chart.
* Close connection, Repair DB, reconnect, create a new chart.
* Close connection, Reset Instruments, reconnect, create a new chart.
* Do all of the above, except close Ninjatrader and reopen after closing connection.
Ninja Trader 64-bit 7.0.1000.7
Instrument: $EURUSD(1 Min)
OS: XP 64 bit
Datefeed only: Barchart.com
End date: 11/16/2011 (today)
Session template: Default 24/7
Display update interval(sec): 0.1
Filter bad ticks: OFF