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Prevent hunderds CONNDEAD messages

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    Prevent hunderds CONNDEAD messages

    Could you program into NT that if a user does not hit OK or closes the message box that NT will stop sending CONNDEAD messages every couple of seconds... maybe after the first 3 go back to one in 10 minutes?

    I was away from computer for a while (running in SIM mode) and got so many messages that computer became unusable. Could not click the message away and had to hard reboot.

    Hello WhoKnows,

    Could you please tell me what messsage box you are referring to. Are you referring to the order confirmation window? You can disable these at Tools-->Options-->General-tab.
    JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


      The message was in a pop-up screen.

      ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied
      Don't think that is the same as order conformation.
      I will send the relevant trace file to your attention. Might help to see what I mean.


        I will await your email that includes the trace file. Unfortunately I am not familiar with this error message.

        Were you running an custom created automated strategy? Under what circumstances do you receive this error message?
        JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


          File was sent Tue 7.35PM, if you didn't receive it let me know.
          Trace file was 10.5 MB hope it was not to big for the mail system.

          Has something to do with connection lost to TDA.
          It appears to me NT calls TDA and the reply if fed to a message window.

          The following is part of it.

          2009-02-02 14:26:37:250 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=Connected oldStatus=Running newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:28:453 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=Connected oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=KeepAliveValid
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:031 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:031 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=Connected oldStatus=KeepAliveValid newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:031 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallbackNow: z TD Ameritrade: Primary connection=Connected, Price feed=ConnectionLost
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:031 (z TD Ameritrade) Cbi.Connection.ProcessEventArgs.ConnectionStatusEv entArgs Connected ConnectionLost NoError
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:031 (z TD Ameritrade) Cbi.ConnectionStatusEventArgs.Process: Connected ConnectionLost
          2009-02-02 14:27:31:593 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:35:203 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:35:203 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:35:765 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:39:375 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:39:390 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:39:937 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:43:546 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:43:562 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:44:109 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:47:734 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:47:734 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:48:281 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:54:921 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:54:921 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 14:27:55:468 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 14:27:59:093 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 14:27:59:093 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldSta

          pages of his kind of stuff
          2009-02-02 22:11:56:062 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 22:11:56:062 Cbi.LogEventArgs.ProcessEventArgsInThreadContext, exception caught: Error creating window handle.
          2009-02-02 22:11:56:062 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 22:11:56:609 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 22:12:00:390 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 22:12:01:640 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=StartedMainRequest newStatus=ConnectionDied
          2009-02-02 22:12:01:828 in OnUnhandledThreadException
          2009-02-02 22:12:01:859 ********* exception trapped *********
          2009-02-02 22:12:01:859 BufferedGraphicsContext cannot be disposed of because a buffer operation is currently in progress.
          2009-02-02 22:12:01:859 at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Dispose(Boo lean disposing)
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Dispose()
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.AllocBuffer InTempManager(Graphics targetGraphics, IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.AllocBuffer (Graphics targetGraphics, IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Allocate(In tPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.O nMessage(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.W ndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
          2009-02-02 22:12:02:125 in OnUnhandledThreadException
          2009-02-02 22:12:02:156 ********* exception trapped *********
          2009-02-02 22:12:02:156 BufferedGraphicsContext cannot be disposed of because a buffer operation is currently in progress.
          2009-02-02 22:12:02:156 at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Dispose(Boo lean disposing)
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Dispose()
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.AllocBuffer InTempManager(Graphics targetGraphics, IntPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)
          at System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext.Allocate(In tPtr targetDC, Rectangle targetRectangle)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.O nMessage(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.W ndProc(Message& m)
          at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
          2009-02-02 22:12:02:375 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.StatusChangeCallback: connection.Status=ConnectionLost oldStatus=ConnectionDied newStatus=StartedMainRequest
          2009-02-02 22:12:05:984 (z TD Ameritrade) Tda.Callback.MessageCallback: msg='ERROR: CONNDEAD N100Login Denied.'
          2009-02-02 22:12:06:718 in OnUnhandledThreadException
          2009-02-02 22:12:06:781 ********* exception trapped *********
          2009-02-02 22:12:06:781 Error creating window handle.
          2009-02-02 22:12:06:781 at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.CreateHandle(Cre ateParams cp)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateHandle()
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()

          etc. etc.


            We did not receive the email, most likely because of its size.

            The trace file section indicates .NET Framework is corrupted.

            Please follow the instructions below to re-install the Microsoft .NET Framework on your PC.

            -Terminate any applications running on your PC

            -Go to the Windows Control Panel

            -"Add/Remove programs" for XP users or "Uninstall a program" for Vista users

            -Uninstall any later versions of .NET Framework first before uninstalling version 2.0 if you have them installed

            -Locate Microsoft .NET Version 2.0 and uninstall

            -Clear browser cache and re-install .NET 2.0 at the link below

            Note: Do not reboot your PC in between these steps as this can potentially create more issues that we are unfortunately not qualified to assist with.

            Check if the crash persists.
            JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


              Ok, did send the file again (now in RAR ... only 288kb).

              Are you sure about the .NET issue?
              The PC and NT have been working stable over the weekend while remaining connected to TDA.

              Anyway, I think I'll make an image first before tinkering with the .NET


                Yes, the call stack of the crash list Windows references and no NinjaTrader references, which would indicate corruption in .NET Framework.

                Unfortunately the .rar file did not allow me to retrieve traces files, it kept opening an internet browser windows in a loop upon trying to open the file.
                JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service



                  Strange .. the .RAR works here. But as last resort I sent a .ZIP version.

                  Maybe you can see why the .NET corruption happened.


                    Unfortunately I cannot determine upon reviewing the trace file how .NET Framework got corrupted. I can only deteremine why NinjaTrader crashed; which would be because of .NET corruption in your situation.
                    JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


                      Also a question.

                      I saw the .NET I removed had an HotFix applied sometimes in the past.

                      For NT is it best to leave the original .NET or do we apply hotfixes ???


                        Thanks, I won't allow Msft's automatic HotFixes then.

                        Still more questions.
                        1. NT uses only .NET 2.0 ?
                        2. Is it no problem to also (re)install .NET3.0 and .NET 3.5 ?

                        Also a suggestion:
                        I think I cleared the browser cache of both IE and Firefox correctly, but maybe it is wise to write a more detailed stepwise manual how to remove the browser cache and .NET etc. and make a link in your main manual.
                        Might save you explaining it again and again.


                          1) Yes, if only version .NET 2.0 is installed.

                          2) You can install .NET versions 3.0 and 3.5 as well.

                          I will forward your suggestion to management. Thank you for your suggestion.
                          JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service


                            I got a new issue related to TDA.

                            Ninja got stuck on trying to login to TDA.
                            By logging in directly via web I found that TDA position and balance information is indeed down at the moment (00.15AM).
                            The market data side of TDA however works.

                            I see a problem with NT in the way it handles this.
                            NT tries to login, two messages 'ERROR:POSBAL' and 'ERROR:ODSTAT' are displayed with noise.

                            Unfortunately there is no way to exit this as 'disconnect' is greyed-out.
                            You don't have control on closing the connection attempts and e.g. work further with another broker.
                            You have to exit NT to break the login cycle.

                            So couple of suggestions:
                            - allow the user to cancel the login cycle
                            - allow NT to at least connect to the market data feed,


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