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Strategy Analyzer data disappearing.

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    Strategy Analyzer data disappearing.

    Good morning,

    I'm running the Strategy Analyzer on my new strategy I've been developing. It's been working ok for a long time, but recently it started doing something strange. ​Attached is an image of two consecutive runs of the analyzer. As soon as I run it the second time, all the statistics and data for the first one go to zero. You can view the charts and see the trades, but all the numbers in the Summary and elsewhere go to zero. I just uninstalled NT8 and reinstalled this weekend to solve another issue, which it did. I was hoping it would also solve this issue, but did not. I also ran the Simple MA crossover and that works ok, so it it is something in my strategy code.
    Last edited by d3whiteley; 11-17-2023, 07:33 AM.

    Hello d3whiteley,

    Thank you for your post.

    So I may assist you more accurately, please answer all of the following questions:
    • What version of NinjaTrader are you using? Please provide the entire version number. This can be found under Help -> About (Example: 8.?.?.?)
    • Do you see results when running the same test on the SampleMaCrossOver strategy in NinjaTrader with the same settings as your strategy?
    • Who are you connected to? This is displayed in green in the lower-left corner of the Control Center window.
    • Are you connected to your data feed provider when running this test?
    • Is your strategy a multi-instrument or multi-time frame strategy?
    • Do you receive an error on the screen? Are there errors on the Log tab of the Control Center? If so, what do these errors report?
    Thanks in advance; I look forward to assisting you further.​
    Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      • What version of NinjaTrader are you using? 64 Bit
      • Do you see results when running the same test on the SampleMaCrossOver strategy in NinjaTrader with the same settings as your strategy? Yes. With the SimpleMaCrossOver, the results do not disappear like mine.
      • Who are you connected to? My Rithmic for NinjaTrader Brokerage
      • Are you connected to your data feed provider when running this test? Yes.
      • Is your strategy a multi-instrument or multi-time frame strategy? Yes. Multi Time Frame 1 and 5 minute.
      • Do you receive an error on the screen? Are there errors on the Log tab of the Control Center? If so, what do these errors report? No errors on screen or in log.
      Sometimes the numbers don't disappear. 95% of the time they go to zero.

      Thank you!


        Hello d3whiteley,

        Thank you for your reply.

        Since the results are not disappearing on the SimpleMaCrossOver strategy it seems that this behavior is isolated to your strategy. You will need to add prints to your strategy to debug its behavior and better understand what is happening. Please review the following post for ideas on how to use prints to debug your strategy's behavior:

        Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.
        Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Thank you Emily,

          I believe I did find the issue. I have 3 parameters defined in my strategy that are time values. At first, I had them defined as DateTime variables with 1/1/1000 as the date part. I used the [PropertyEditor("NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.TimeEditorKe y")] attribute to have them appear as simple time values to be input.

          That worked ok. At one point, I changed them to TimeSpan values and removed the attribute, which seemed cleaner. That worked ok. It also seemed to be about the time I started seeing the issue, so I put them back as DateTiime values with the attribute and the problem went away! Hope this helps if anyone else encounters this issue.


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