I have a sell stop market order which is filled below the stop price although there is no gap going above the stop price between submission and fill.
I have a Sell Stop Market order upon Entry Submission in OnOrderUpdate (with OrderState filled) at the entryprice - 8$. In OnBarUpdate I check if the High is 2$ above the entry price and if yes the order is changed to the entry price as stop price.
Here you can see the stop price is 1097.8 and the fill is at 1097.6:
The close where the order stop price is changed to breakeven is 1097.5. The sell stop market order is changed to 1097.8 stop price. The order is filled at the next open at 1097.6 (so below the stop of 1097.8).
I am using the unmanaged approach. How is it possible that the order is filled even though the stop price of 1097.8 is not crossed after submission of the sell stop order? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance!