I have a strategy uses two bars series of differing time frames. The first (primary) series uses a five minute time frame. The second series uses a one second time frame. I place all my orders on the secondary series with the one second time frame.
I have noticed that event calls to OnOrderUpdate and OnExecutionUpdate seem to execute in the context of the primary series, even though I entered the orders against the secondary series. In other words, when my strategy receives the call into OnOrderUpdate, the BarsInProgress value is always 0. I am curious as to why this is. It does not make sense. It is not a big deal since I can still access the secondary bar series data using the BarsArray object and the higher level Closes, Opens, Times, etc. objects. But it surprised me when I attempted to access bar data within these event procedures. I assumed the context would be the series that the orders were placed against.