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Will we get full C#9 feature support at some point?

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    Will we get full C#9 feature support at some point?

    First off, many thanks for adding support for C#9, that is super helpful.

    However, the fact that NT8's C#9 support does not include all C#9 features (such as Covariant Return Types) has me thinking you are doing the same thing I am doing in my DLLs -- using the latest C# language features while still targeting .NET Standard 2.0.

    Are there any plans to move to .Net 5 or later so we can get full support for all of C#9's features?

    If not, I am running all the way up at C#13 in my DLLs (albeit with an incomplete feature set b/c I am still targeting .NET Standard 2.0 also); so given that, are you planning on continuing to upgrade to new versions of the language every release or two, so we get can get caught up to C#13?

    Hello carnitron,

    Unfortunately, we cannot provide any details about future plans for the platform.

    I would be happy to submit a feature request for the development team to consider if you would like.

    Note, NinjaTrader 8 Desktop targets .NET 4.8.
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Yeah, you are right, I'm sure NT8 does target .Net Framework 4.8, now that you mention it. Actually, so does one of my DLLs. They speak to .Net Standard 2.0, which is my other DLL.

      Anyhow, both .Net Framework 4.8 and .Net Standard 2.0 are very old by now. I find myself wondering if NT8 is stuck at this level b/c migrating from .Net Framework 4.8 to .Net 5 would be a complex project, given that you'd have to migrate the ecosystem too.

      But being stuck on these older versions keeps the CLR at these older versions, which prevents certain newer C# features from being usable.

      So I have two feature requests:

      1. Migrate NT8 to .Net 5. Once this is done, migrating to newer versions should be much easier and would bring the ecosystem up to full C# support. I may undertake a "bridging" project later this year in an attempt to enable my DLLs to run side-by-side with NT8 on a newer version of the CLR, to try to get around these issues. But I suspect it will be a decent amount of work, so ofc it would be nice if I could avoid it.

      2. If you don't migrate to .Net 5, then at least update NT8 C# support from C#9 to C#13, without the features that require more modern CLRs. I have done this across multiple versions in my two DLLs over the past few years and the process has been painless every time.



        Hello carnitron,

        Thank you for your suggestions.

        I've submitted these to our development for consideration.

        Please note, we receive many requests and cannot reasonably implement all requested features or changes. Interest is tracked internally and if enough interest is tracked, it would be weighed against how feasible it would be to make those changes to consider implementing, so we cannot offer an ETA or promise of fulfillment.

        When new features are implemented, they will be listed in the Release Notes page of the Help Guide. The ID number may be different than the internal feature request tracking ID, but the description of the feature will let you know if that feature has been implemented.

        Release Notes -
        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Of course. Thanks for logging my requests!


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