I have a laptop with a NT8 platform which has Apex Trader Funding free data (1 exchange). I use this laptop to execute trades on.
I have a PC which has Bookmap using Rithmic CME MBO data. I also have another NT8 platform on this PC which is used solely for analysis. I am using CQG CME data on NT8 (1 exchange).
I trade ES, NQ.
My Laptop Questions are:
I want to be able to execute Mini CL trades on my laptop. Which additional data do I need to subscribe to? Is it possible to trade ES, NQ and CL without having to swap connections in the control centre?
My PC Questions are:
I need realtime tick data for Nasdaq, NYSE and Dow. Which exchange do I need to subscribe to? Can I use this data alongside my CQG CME data on my NT8 at the same time? Can I use the same CL data from my laptop, on my Bookmap on my PC or do I need to pay for separate data feeds for laptop and PC.
any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.