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Compile errors in - NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId no longer available ?

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    Compile errors in - NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId no longer available ?

    All our indicators fail to compile since NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId is no longer available in v8.1.1.0

    How can we (vendors) now determine the machine id ?
    And why did we not get a pre-release so we could fix this before it went out to the public ??

    Tradedevils Indicators
    EB Worx
    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - EB Worx


    You might want to take a look at NinjaTrader.Cbi.UserEntitlement.MachineId instead for 8.1.


    Bruce DeVault
    QuantKey LLC
    Last edited by QuantKey_Bruce; 03-04-2023, 10:57 AM.
    Bruce DeVault
    QuantKey Trading Vendor Services
    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - QuantKey


      I forwarded this to the Desktop Dev team, I suspect we will post a hotfix soon redirecting to the new location as Bruce mentioned so we don't have code-breaking changes. We decided not to do an early build for vendors on this one due to sensitivities around the completely new relaunched brand and website. We will respond quickly to issues, please continue to post anything you run into.


        Thx for the quick reply

        Please make this a high priority and post a hotfix asap

        We are already receiving support tickets at this moment from our customers who have updated and found out the indicators they bought are not working anymore
        I'm sure you realize that we have a large customer base so the longer this takes the more tickets we will receive.
        And I'm not looking forward to answering thousands of support tickets of angry customers just because NinjaTrader decided to introduce
        breaking changes without giving their vendors a pre-release version like you guys normally do

        Tradedevils indicators
        EB Worx
        NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - EB Worx


          I do not understand the actions of ninjatrader already it is difficult to convince customers to use ninjatrader8, the more you do not even warn the vendors of this big change which has no use protection of what??, I have more than 1500 customers who have pay almost 3000 dollars each, already my email box filled with messages from customers unhappy with this update, they have lost their activation, the more I lose confidence in the patience of but a customer who is very demanding, he has broker prop firm connection problems waste of time I risk having a huge loss if the customer decides to request a refund everything works perfectly 8.26.1 also 8.27.1, I don't have a million employees to respond to the problem that is causing you huuuh


            Hello all,

            Thank you for your patience.

            A hotfix has been released and is currently available for download.

            I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

            Please let me know if you continue to see additional compile errors.
            Dennis E.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Does the new download have the same version number? The download page (even if refreshed) still shows


              Bruce DeVault
              QuantKey LLC
              Bruce DeVault
              QuantKey Trading Vendor Services
              NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - QuantKey


                Originally posted by ninjatrader_brett View Post
                i forwarded this to the desktop dev team, i suspect we will post a hotfix soon redirecting to the new location as bruce mentioned so we don't have code-breaking changes. We decided not to do an early build for vendors on this one due to sensitivities around the completely new relaunched brand and website. we will respond quickly to issues, please continue to post anything you run into.


                  Originally posted by sonia0101 View Post
                  The anger of the vendor community at the surprise announcement
                  of this release is completely understandable.

                  Despite that,
                  the turnaround time to fix this egregious and completely unnecessary
                  defect was actually pretty darn fast -- kudos and a big thank you to
                  the entire NT team to get this issue resolved so quickly.

                  But a big bucket of smelly crap to the upper mgmt people who really
                  thought so little of their vendors to keep this upgrade a secret.

                  I would imagine there were selective vendors who had advance
                  notice of the upgrade, but I also assume none of these vendors had
                  advance access to a pre-release build -- otherwise this extremely
                  juvenile software defect (MachineId no longer accessible) would
                  have been caught in a heartbeat.

                  A big wet noodle to each NT mgr who still thinks this 'secret'
                  upgrade was a business necessity. No, just no. Yours is not
                  the Manhattan Project. Your egotistic needs to keep this upgrade
                  a secret does nothing to help the vendors who feel lied to and
                  underappreciated. I mean, the sheer egos involved, to think
                  the success of this upgrade requires, REQUIRES, deception
                  and dishonesty towards the vendor community -- what a load
                  of crap thinking.

                  Ray and all upper mgmt should be ashamed of this remarkably
                  stupid decision.

                  Just my 2˘.


                    Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Dennis View Post
                    Hello all,

                    Thank you for your patience.

                    A hotfix has been released and is currently available for download.

                    I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

                    Please let me know if you continue to see additional compile errors.

                    Thanks for the quick hotfix. really appreciated you guys were able to do this in the weekend on such short notice
                    Did the version number stayed same ? since I don't see a v8.1.1.1?
                    Tradedevils Indicators
                    EB Worx
                    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - EB Worx



                      Thank you for your reply.

                      Yes, the version number did stay the same.

                      Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
                      Dennis E.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                        I can confirm that NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId works again after the same day hotfix with the same version number.

                        Thank you for fixing this as it will save a lot of commercial vendor hassles.


                        Bruce DeVault
                        QuantKey LLC
                        Bruce DeVault
                        QuantKey Trading Vendor Services
                        NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - QuantKey


                          Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Dennis View Post

                          Thank you for your reply.

                          Yes, the version number did stay the same.

                          Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
                          I also use NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId. If I compile/recompile new code, will it still work?
                          I also had to confirm my IPadress/device. Will I have to do that each time I start up NT8?


                          edit: Indicator Mall "Export to Excel For NinjaTrader 8" works fine.
                          Last edited by marcus2300; 03-05-2023, 08:31 AM.


                            Originally posted by marcus2300 View Post

                            I also use NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId. If I compile/recompile new code, will it still work?
                            I also had to confirm my IPadress/device. Will I have to do that each time I start up NT8?

                            Now that the hotfix has rolled out, yes, you can use NinjaTrader.Cbi.License.MachineId and it returns the same thing it returned before.

                            Confirming the device by email is when you connect a machine that has not connected to your account before. It is not every time you sign on.


                            Bruce DeVault
                            QuantKey LLC
                            Bruce DeVault
                            QuantKey Trading Vendor Services
                            NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - QuantKey


                              Hello All,

                              Thank you for your feedback.

                              I want to start by apologizing for any issues caused by this release. We can clearly see the types of issues that this can cause for vendors that rely on pre-release testing. In the future, we will be more considerate of this and ensure that we are properly advising vendors of any upcoming releases.

                              I have also included an updated link for our release notes below that includes more details about what was added/addressed since the last version.

                              Thank you again for using NinjaTrader.
                              Dennis E.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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