I'm writing a strategy and I would like to check two different types of bars, the volumetric bars and the Renko bars. I can use the bars individually, but not together in the same strategy. I would like to do some checks on the ask and bid of the volumetric bars( like volumetricBarsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetBidVolumeForPrice(i) where i is the price of last Bar) but at the same time I would like to check the directionality of the market going to see if the bars before the moment I would like to enter the market are correct for me, using the methods Close() and Open(). Currently if I use these methods I get the values of Close() and Open of the volumetric bars even if I loaded both types of bars, and I didn’t find a way to "differentiate" the bars. I need both types of data available and manipulable within the same strategy. Is it possible to do that? And if so, how?
Thank you!