Is there a way to prevent the orders types from rearranging based on where the mouse is on a chart in relation to the current price? For example, in this screenshot, the cursor is BELOW the current price, so the order types in the right click menu are...
- buy limit
- buy MIT
- sell stop market
- sell stop limit
However, if the cursor is ABOVE the price, the order types are in the following order...
- sell limit
- sell MIT
- buy stop market
- buy stop limit
This is an issue because in fast moving markets if you try right click at a specific point in the chart where you want to place your order, and the price ends up on the opposite side of your cursor after you've right clicked, Ninja trader will give you an error saying the order type isn't correct for where the price currently is and you've lost valuable seconds closing out the error message and trying to input the order again.
If the placement of the order types were constant, it would be easy to create an AutoHotkey script so that you could input the exact order you wanted without having to open the right click menu. Alternatively, it'd be great to have an order hotkey set the price at where the mouse/cursor is on the chart.