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Line Break Chart

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    Line Break Chart

    I trade with a buddy and on many occasions our line break charts are substantially different even though we have the same settings. We are using ticks as the base period type. Sometimes we hit reload historical data and this fixes the charts so they are the same. Other times no matter what we do the charts are different.

    Any idea what is going on?

    Hello TraderRod,

    Thank you for your post.

    Do you and your buddy connect to the same data provider? Also, does this tend to happen on one particular instrument or on various instruments?

    It is hard to say what the cause might be without a concrete example, so if possible please provide screenshots comparing what you and your buddy see for the same instrument and same settings, even after attempting to Reload Historical Data.

    If either of you is using a chart template or adjusting the Data Series settings, it is possible that a parameter could be affecting the bars created, such as the trading hours selected (i.e. the default instrument settings vs. Default 24 x 7).

    As an additional resource, here is the link to the help guide section that describes how Line Break bars are built:

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask them here.
    Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Yes, we are using the same data provider and broker. All of our data settings are identical. I will send you a screen shot of each chart later today. Who do I send them to?


        Hello TraderRod,

        Thank you for your reply.

        You could post the screenshots here in the forum if you are comfortable with that, or you could send them to platformsupport[AT]ninjatrader[DOT]com. If you send them via email, please be sure to include a link to this forum post as well as the following in the body of your email: ATTN Emily C 2919420

        Thank you in advance; I look forward to resolving this item with you.
        Emily C.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Hi there, I have the same issue. My sister and I both have the exact same settings on our charts, Line Break (5) 30000 Volume with 5 days of data loaded. Even when our charts appear the same sometimes, we run the same script connected to the same prop trading firm and we get different results. Hers will take a trade that mine won't, etc. Is there a solution to this?


            Hello amichalska ​,

            Thank you for reaching out.

            Is the automated strategy you are working with, a script coded by yourself using the Strategy Builder, or was it acquired from a 3rd party?

            If it is your own coded strategy, please contact our engineering team at

            [email protected]

            and they will be able to guide you in troubleshooting the strategy.

            If it is a 3rd party strategy, you would want to contact the developer for assistance with their software.

            Please let us know if you have any other questions.​​
            Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Thanks for the reply, Erick.

              I am more having issues with Line Break charts not printing the same between my sister and I despite having the same settings. Below see screenshot.
              On the left is my sister's computer, on the right is mine. You can see how mine has printed a green candle and has moved on to print the next candle, meanwhile my sister's chart shows the candle still being print. I attached a screenshot of our data series windows to show that they are the same.

              Any ideas? Reloading historical data does not seem to change anything.

              To add: I also did backtesting with my custom strategy on both, using market replay on both her computer and mine, and the backtesting results were the exact same. Shouldn't that indicate that our charts should be printing the candles the exact same way?

              Last edited by amichalska; 01-23-2025, 11:16 AM.


                Hello amichalska ,

                Thank you very much for your message and image.

                There may be issues with your historical data and time stamping.

                Here are two step I recommend you try:

                1. Synchronize PC clock:

                You may use the steps below to sync your PC's internal clock that NinjaTrader's Charts use for its timestamps.
                • Shutdown NinjaTrader
                • Right-click on the clock in the lower-right corner of your desktop
                • Select "Adjust date and time"

                For Windows 10, select 'Date, Time, and regional formatting' > 'Additional date, time, and regional settings' > 'Set the time and date'
                • Select the 'Internet Time' tab at the top
                • Set the server to and click "Update".
                • If the message that appears says successful your PC clock should now be updated.
                • If not, select a different server from the Server: drop-down and try again (repeat until one of the servers is successful)
                ​For Windows 11, please see these screenshot instructions:

                After updating the PC clock, please restart NinjaTrader, then right-click on the chart and select “Reload all historical data.”

                2. Merge policyand historical data:

                Please go to Tools-> Options -> Market Data-> under Global Merge Policy, select "Merge adjusted/Merge back adjusted".

                Apply the change, then go back to your chart, right click on your chart and select the option that says "Reload all historical data".

                If this does not work, additionally :

                Clear old historical and cache data by doing the following:

                - Shut down NinjaTrader 8

                - Go to the 'Documents/NinjaTrader 8/db' folder of your computer

                - Delete the files inside the 'cache', 'day', 'minute', and 'tick' folders.

                - Important: Do not remove any other files inside the NinjaTrader 8 Documents folder.

                -Restart your PC

                When you restart NinjaTrader 8, you may notice a slightly longer initial load time as all of your historical chart data is re-downloaded, but your overall performance should be better.

                Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if you continue to experience this behavior.​
                Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  Hi Erick,

                  Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, none of the screenshots you provided for Windows 11 are loading for me, could you please try again?


                    Hello amichalska

                    My apologies!

                    I will resend them below:

                    ​For Windows 11, please see these screenshot instructions:

                    After updating the PC clock, please restart NinjaTrader, then right-click on the chart and select “Reload all historical data.”

                    2. Merge policyand historical data:

                    Please go to Tools-> Options -> Market Data-> under Global Merge Policy, select "Merge adjusted/Merge back adjusted".

                    Apply the change, then go back to your chart, right click on your chart and select the option that says "Reload all historical data".

                    If this does not work, additionally :

                    Clear old historical and cache data by doing the following:

                    - Shut down NinjaTrader 8

                    - Go to the 'Documents/NinjaTrader 8/db' folder of your computer

                    - Delete the files inside the 'cache', 'day', 'minute', and 'tick' folders.

                    - Important: Do not remove any other files inside the NinjaTrader 8 Documents folder.

                    -Restart your PC

                    When you restart NinjaTrader 8, you may notice a slightly longer initial load time as all of your historical chart data is re-downloaded, but your overall performance should be better.

                    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if you continue to experience this behavior.​​​
                    Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service



                      I think you are using a Salesforce internal link for your screenshots that I cannot see. Can you please upload the images to the forum, or perhaps write out the instructions in text instead?


                        Hello amichalska ​,

                        Thank you for your message.

                        So sorry about that, had not had issues with this before.

                        I will upload the files manually for step 1.

                        After updating the PC clock, please restart NinjaTrader, then right-click on the chart and select “Reload all historical data.”

                        2. Merge policyand historical data:

                        Please go to Tools-> Options -> Market Data-> under Global Merge Policy, select "Merge adjusted/Merge back adjusted".

                        Apply the change, then go back to your chart, right click on your chart and select the option that says "Reload all historical data".

                        If this does not work, additionally :

                        Clear old historical and cache data by doing the following:

                        - Shut down NinjaTrader 8

                        - Go to the 'Documents/NinjaTrader 8/db' folder of your computer

                        - Delete the files inside the 'cache', 'day', 'minute', and 'tick' folders.

                        - Important: Do not remove any other files inside the NinjaTrader 8 Documents folder.

                        -Restart your PC

                        When you restart NinjaTrader 8, you may notice a slightly longer initial load time as all of your historical chart data is re-downloaded, but your overall performance should be better.

                        Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if you continue to experience this behavior.​​​​
                        Attached Files
                        Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                          Hi NinjaTrader_Erick,

                          I followed your instructions, including the additional steps to delete the files in the NT folder. Followed your steps exactly on my computer and my sister did the same on hers. It's still not working properly.

                          We have switched to Delta charts, and our Data Series settings are the exact same. We are using the exact same Strategy as well. I'm attaching 2 screenshots from this morning's trades from my computer and my sister's computer. You can see that my sister's computer took 2 trades and mine only 1. We've also highlighted the candle to show the time difference, which is only off by 1 second but some candles have been off by more - regardless, that's 1 whole trade my setup didn't take for some reason.

                          I'm attaching another screenshot of the Market data tab where I noticed there are options for "Preferred connections - real time" - would selecting something here under Future work? If it helps, we are both using Apex Trading prop firm.

                          Any suggestions welcome, thank you!
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by amichalska; 01-27-2025, 10:52 AM.


                            Uploading another example a missing trade - mine took a short, meanwhile my sisters did not. I believe the script met the proper conditions to take the short, so I'm not sure why it didn't take the trade on my sister's computer. I'm also highlighting the previous red candle to show the timestamp, which is the same on both computers. You can also see how it took the same long trade on the candle immediately after on both computers.

                            This is a script that my sister and I made using Strategy Builder.
                            Attached Files


                              Hello amichalska,

                              Different data or parameters can produce different results when the strategy code is the same.

                              Below is a link to a support article on comparing backtest results.

                              From the screenshots you have provided it does appear the data is different.

                              Please delete all historical data in the Tools > Historical Data window, ensure both computers are updated to NinjaTrader and that the PC Clock is synchronized to the second with

                              Then ensure both platforms are connected to the same data provider, then re-download the historical data.
                              Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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