I have successfully rendered a text. The idea is to prevent the user of changing the color oft he text. In OnBarupdate(), I would have done the following: myColor = Brushes.Green;
But OnRender() does not accept this declaration/initialization.
In the section properties, I have the following code:
[XmlIgnore] [Display(Name = "MyColor", GroupName = "Parameters")] public Brush MyColorBrush { get { return myColorBrush; } set { myColorBrush = value; } } [Browsable(false)] public string MyColorBrushSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(MyColorBrush); } set { MyColorBrush = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } }
Is it possible of rendering a text and preventing the text color of being changed? If yes, could one please guides me here?
Best regards