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volume spike alert

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    volume spike alert

    Inspite of my research about alarm setting on forum, I could not find a solution to my ‘problem’.
    If technically possible, I would like to set an alarm on the volume spike (see the attached example). When the volume is a certain percentage higher than certain previous volume bars . This value should be indicated in percentage instead of a fix number. Also the percentage has to changeable as to my different needs.
    Furthermore I need to be able to change how many volume bars the spike should be compared to (for instance, the alarm should go off on a so much percentage higher spike, compared to so and so many previous volume bars)
    Can this be done ?

    Attached Files

    Hello Guido 01,

    Welcome to the NinjaTrader support forum.

    What you are describing is possible, it sounds like you just want to calculate a percent difference between values within a period and then set an alarm when a user-defined value is reached.

    This can be done in NinjaScript by using Math and the Volume Series along with some Conditions.

    The first step would be to familiarize yourself with how the volume series works in NinjaTrader.

    The series allows you to access the value of the currently processing bar or a previous value. Using the volume series and some logic, you could check the values over a period of time to see if any are within the criteria.

    You can search online for ways to calculate the percent difference between numbers, this would just be a mathematical concept. To use percent values instead of fixed number values, you would need to use math to convert that into a percent. Once you have converted the values to a percent, you can use that value to plot or in your alarm.

    To use a user-defined input, you can see the example here of the syntax needed to define an input and use it:
    Alternatively, you could review the SMA indicator and its Period property. You can define any number of properties or two in the case of your example.

    I look forward to being of further assistance.
    JesseNinjaTrader Customer Service



      I'm new here and I've a related request.
      Does anyone know where to find the NT8 version of the Volume Spike Indicator?

      Or if it hasn't been converted yet, can someone convert the NT7 version of the Volume Spike indicator into a NT8 one?

      Here's the NT7 link code below:


        Hello FrankSert,

        Thank you for your reply.

        Generally in the Support department, we cannot create, modify, convert, or debug scripts for you. Since this is a very simple conversion, we've done it as a one time courtesy. As soon as it is available on our User App Share, I will follow up with a link for you to download the conversion.

        Thanks in advance, I look forward to assisting you further.
        Kate W.NinjaTrader Customer Service



          Hello FrankSert,

          Thank you for your note.

          This indicator is publicly available on our NinjaTrader Ecosystem website:
          Here is a basic guideline of how to import NinjaScript add-ons in NinjaTrader 8:

          Note — To import NinjaScripts you will need the original .zip file.

          To Import:
          1. Download the NinjaScripts to your desktop, keep them in the compressed .zip file.
          2. From the Control Center window select the menu Tools > Import > NinjaScript Add-on...
          3. Select the downloaded .zip file
          4. NinjaTrader will then confirm if the import has been successful.

          Critical - Specifically for some NinjaScripts, it will prompt that you are running newer versions of @SMA, @EMA, etc. and ask if you want to replace, press 'No'

          Once installed, you may add the indicator to a chart by:
          • Right click your chart > Indicators... > Select the Indicator from the 'Available' list on the left > Add > OK

          Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

          The NinjaTrader Ecosystem website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell a futures contract or make any other type of investment decision. The add-ons listed on this website are not to be considered a recommendation and it is the reader's responsibility to evaluate any product, service, or company. NinjaTrader Ecosystem LLC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any product, service or company linked to on this website.
          Kate W.NinjaTrader Customer Service



            Awesome for the very fast reply. Thanks a lot for the courtesy. Much appreciated. I'll test it asap when the market open.

            All the best.


              Hello again,
              I'm sorry for the extra trouble, but I figured out just now the previous indicator isn't the same as the one from this previous NinjaTrader thread:
              The NT7 version:
              from Bertrand, without alert

              from Josh P., with Alert
              NinjaTrader6 ?

              It is very similar but has the added benefit of an alert system and function to set the percentage change. Currently it is not compilable in NT8.
              I assumed they were the same. But I didn't find the complete zip file on Josh P. answer. That's why I looked for the one.
              Could you please have a look and see if it is not too much trouble converting this version?

              Thanks a lot.


                Hello FrankSert,

                Thank you for your reply.

                None of the linked indicators include an alert - you could certainly adapt the one I previously posted to add an alert. However, we have done the conversion previously posted above as a one time only courtesy - either you would need to add the desired functionality yourself, or I would be happy to have our Business Development team reach out to you with a list of NinjaScript Consultants who would be happy to create or adapt a script to your needs.

                Here is a link to our help guide on the Alert() method:

                Please let us know if we may be of further assistance to you.
                Kate W.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  i too would be interested in the audio alert feature ... attached are files from 7 that do have the audio .... not sure if this is the best place to post ... but here goes ... if someone would upgrade these to 8 it would be most appreciated ... thanks
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by pfsmedical; 01-17-2021, 01:36 PM. Reason: forgot to attach the other sound file .... but in 7 all three of these indicators send audio alerts


                    Hello pfsmedical,

                    Thank you for your reply.

                    The previously posted conversion was a one time courtesy - we in the support department cannot generally convert indicators on your behalf.

                    However, we can supply resources that can assist you in converting scripts yourself, or supply references to third party NinjaScript Consultants who would be happy to convert a script or several scripts on your behalf.

                    I will also leave this thread open in case one of our users here would like to assist.

                    Please let me know if you would like links to resources or information regarding NinjaScript Consultants.
                    Kate W.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                      I can't seem to download the NT8 version. It is stating that it may be malicious.


                        Hello turnkeyfinancialgroup,

                        Thanks for your notes.

                        The behavior you are reporting is not related to this forum thread topic regarding NinjaScript indicator development.

                        That said, please email [email protected] with a brief description of the behavior you are reporting. One of our Platform Support technicians will be happy to investigate the matter and provide assistance as soon as they are available.
                        <span class="name">Brandon H.</span><span class="title">NinjaTrader Customer Service</span><iframe name="sig" id="sigFrame" src="/support/forum/core/clientscript/Signature/signature.php" frameborder="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-style: none;width: 100%; height: 120px;"></iframe>


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