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trailing stop

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    trailing stop

    Within a strategy I am working on, I use a trailing stop, let's say %2. I would like to try to change my strategy so that when this %2 stop is reached, I don't exit right then, but instead wait for a signal from another indicator. I would do this by having a flag change from false to true, and then work the indicator for an exit within that true condition.

    One way I could do this would be with a custom indicator that performs the same trailing stop calculation but can change a flag value from False to True. Is there any other way? Any suggestions on making such a custom indicator?


    You do not need a new indicator. You can do something like this:

    if(Position.GetProfitLoss(Close[0], PerformanceUnit.Percent) == some_percentage_here
    && Position.MarketPosition != MarketPosition.Flat)

    has_reached_percentage = true;


    Now you can use that true setting wherever you want within your code.

    You may want to also reset the has_reached_percentage like this:

    if(Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
    has_reached_percentage = false;

    Here are some links that will help:

    DenNinjaTrader Customer Service


      Ben I will look at those links. To be clear here, in your example code, could I use that as a trailing stop or is that just a %2 stop from the initial market position? I am a not so good coder yet.

      And, currently as a form of position sizing, when I actually run a strategy live, I use "Order Properties, Account Size $10000". I think since I will be changing that account size amount depending on the stock, I would want to be coding with percentage changes and never with open profit and loss?



        What I provided is just a condition and true/false toggle you could use to determine if your order has reached the % PnL you want. You will need to then add code to then determine if you want to actually exit the trade or some other action.

        It sounds like you will need to code your own logic to determine your trail stop.
        DenNinjaTrader Customer Service


          Sorry to be vague here. What I am trying to get is how as a trade moves in my favor (let's say a short) the stop will get lower and lower. If the price reverses and then hits that new lower stop, I then want to have a flag be true (which I can code now from your previous help).

          Can I have the actual trailing stop code that is used by for instance strategy generator?

          For instance if I could duplicate this code within my strategy as an onbarevent instead of calling it I would be all set.

          SetTrailStop("", CalculationMode.Percent, TrailingStop, true);



            You will have to code it out yourself, sorry. This is not available.
            DenNinjaTrader Customer Service


              So the code for this


              is not available?



                That is correct. You will need to code it out yourself.
                DenNinjaTrader Customer Service



                  Here is some food for thought. Not tested, but it should help get you kicked off in how to code it yourself.

                  // In Variables section
                  private double trailStop = 0;
                  private double prevValue = 0;
                  private bool justEntered = false;
                  // In OnBarUpdate() method
                  if (Close[0] > Open[0] && Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                      justEntered = true;
                  if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long && justEntered == true)
                      trailStop = 0.98 * Position.AvgPrice;
                      prevValue = Position.AvgPrice;
                      justEntered = false;
                      Print("TRAIL STOP TRACKING: " + trailStop);
                  if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long)
                      if (Close[0] > Position.AvgPrice && Close[0] > prevValue)
                          trailStop = trailStop + (Close[0] - prevValue);
                          prevValue = Close[0];
                          Print("TRAIL STOP RAISED: " + trailStop + " " + prevValue);
                      Print(Time[0] + " " + Close[0] + " " + prevValue);
                  if (Close[0] <= trailStop)
                      Print("TRAIL STOP HIT: " + trailStop + " " + Close[0]);
                      // Trailing stop has been hit; do whatever you want here
                      trailStop = 0;
                      prevValue = 0;
                  Josh P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                    Thanks dude, I was overwhelmed lol. With what you gave me I have all weekend busy now, this should advance my coding some more. I gotta say I am getting far with this and it's been 1 month and 2 weeks.


                      Coded percentage trailing stop

                      I coded and have working a coded in onbarupdate trailing stop, thanks for the help in here. Here is the code, I will post this and another version in the scripts section:

                      #region Variables
                      // Wizard generated variables
                      private double trailStop = 0; // Default setting for TrailStop
                      private double prevValue = 0; // Default setting for PrevValue
                      private double trailStopPercentage = .02;
                      private bool justEntered = false; // Default setting for JustEntered
                      // User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)

                      /// <summary>
                      /// This method is used to configure the strategy and is called once before any strategy method is called.
                      /// </summary>
                      protected override void Initialize()
                      CalculateOnBarClose = true;

                      /// <summary>
                      /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
                      /// </summary>
                      protected override void OnBarUpdate()
                      if (Close[0] > Open[0] && Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                      justEntered = true;
                      Print(Time[0] + " Entered Long " + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);

                      if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long && justEntered == true)
                      trailStop = Position.AvgPrice - (trailStopPercentage * Position.AvgPrice);
                      prevValue = Position.AvgPrice;
                      justEntered = false;
                      Print(" TRAIL STOP TRACKING: " + trailStop + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                      if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long)
                      if (High[0] > Position.AvgPrice && High[0] > prevValue)
                      trailStop = trailStop + (High[0] - prevValue);
                      prevValue = High[0];
                      Print(" TRAIL STOP RAISED: " + trailStop + " PrevValue " + prevValue + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                      Print(Time[0] + " High " + High[0] + " PrevValue " + prevValue + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                      if (Low[0] <= trailStop)
                      Print(" TRAIL STOP HIT: " + trailStop + " " + Close[0] + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                      // Trailing stop has been hit; do whatever you want here
                      trailStop = 0;
                      prevValue = 0;

                      #region Properties
                      public double TrailStop
                      get { return trailStop; }
                      set { trailStop = Math.Max(0.00, value); }

                      public double PrevValue
                      get { return prevValue; }
                      set { prevValue = Math.Max(0.00, value); }

                      public double TrailStopPercentage
                      get { return trailStopPercentage; }
                      set { trailStopPercentage = Math.Max(0.00, value); }

                      public bool JustEntered
                      get { return justEntered; }
                      set { justEntered = value; }


                        Thanks for sharing sauer11155. I am sure people will benefit with this reference code.
                        Josh P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                          sauer11155, thanks for your scripts.
                          Playing with StochasticCrosswTrailingStopExit raised some questions:
                          1. I thought that at the end of the code you forgot to reset TrailStop and PrevValue to 0 and JustEntered to false. So I changed
                          f (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                          ExitFlag = false;
                          if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                          ExitFlag = false;
                          TrailStop= 0;
                          JustEntered = false; BUT this lowers the result in my backtesting
                          Apparently TrailStop and PrevValue reset does not matter in backtesting.
                          But resetting JustEntered to false when MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat lowers my bcktesting results.
                          Do you have any idea why adding JustEntered to false here would influence the result? I tried to follow the logic but can't see why.

                          BTW Some minor details:
                          2. I think 2 of your variables are not used anywhere in the code
                          3. Do you have a reason to declare trailStop, prevValue, justEntered and exitFlag as PUBLIC in the properties ?

                                  #region Variables
                                  // Wizard generated variables
                                  private int periodD = 10; // Default setting for PeriodD
                                  private int periodK = 20; // Default setting for PeriodK
                                  private int smooth = 5; // Default setting for Smooth
                                  private int topLine = 80; // Default setting for TopLine
                                  private int bottomLine = 20; // Default setting for BottomLine
                                  [COLOR=Red]private int unrealizedPL = 1; // Default setting for UnrealizedPL
                                  private bool aFlag1 = false; // Default setting for AFlag1[/COLOR]
                                  private double trailStop = 0; // Default setting for TrailStop
                                  private double prevValue = 0; // Default setting for PrevValue
                                  private double trailStopPercentage = .02;
                                  private bool justEntered = false; // Default setting for JustEntered
                                  private bool exitFlag = false;
                                  private double safetyTrailingStop = 0.04; // Default setting forSafetyTrailingStop
                                  private double profitTarget2 = 0.02; // Default setting for ProfitTarget2
                                  // User defined variables (add any user defined variables below)
                                  /// <summary>
                                  /// This method is used to configure the strategy and is called once before any strategy method is called.
                                  /// </summary>
                                  protected override void Initialize()
                                      Add(Stochastics(PeriodD, PeriodK, Smooth));
                                      Add(Stochastics(PeriodD, PeriodK, Smooth));
                                      SetTrailStop("", CalculationMode.Percent, SafetyTrailingStop, true);
                                      SetProfitTarget("", CalculationMode.Percent, ProfitTarget2);
                                      CalculateOnBarClose = true;
                                  /// <summary>
                                  /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
                                  /// </summary>
                                  protected override void OnBarUpdate()
                                      // Condition set 1
                                      if (CrossAbove(Stochastics(PeriodD, PeriodK, Smooth).D, BottomLine, 1)
                                          && Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                                          EnterLong(DefaultQuantity, "");
                                          justEntered = true;
                                          Print(Time[0] + " Entered Long " + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                                      if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long && justEntered == true)
                                          trailStop = Position.AvgPrice - (trailStopPercentage * Position.AvgPrice);
                                          prevValue = Position.AvgPrice;
                                          justEntered = false;                
                                          Print(" TRAIL STOP TRACKING: " + trailStop + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                                      if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long)
                                          if (High[0] > Position.AvgPrice && High[0] > prevValue)
                                              trailStop = trailStop + (High[0] - prevValue);
                                                 prevValue = High[0];
                                                 Print(" TRAIL STOP RAISED: " + trailStop + " PrevValue " + prevValue + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                                          Print(Time[0] + " High " + High[0] + " PrevValue " + prevValue + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                                      if (Low[0] <= trailStop && (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long))
                                          Print(" TRAIL STOP HIT: " + trailStop + " " + Close[0] + " symbol " + Instrument.FullName);
                                          // Trailing stop has been hit; do whatever you want here
                                          DrawDot(Time[0].ToString() + "Buy", 0, Low[0] - TickSize, Color.Red);
                                          ExitFlag = true;
                                      if (ExitFlag == true)
                                          if (CrossBelow(Stochastics(PeriodD, PeriodK, Smooth).D, TopLine, 1))
                                      if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Flat)
                                          ExitFlag = false;
                                  #region Properties
                                  public int PeriodD
                                      get { return periodD; }
                                      set { periodD = Math.Max(1, value); }
                                  public int PeriodK
                                      get { return periodK; }
                                      set { periodK = Math.Max(1, value); }
                                  public int Smooth
                                      get { return smooth; }
                                      set { smooth = Math.Max(1, value); }
                                  public int TopLine
                                      get { return topLine; }
                                      set { topLine = Math.Max(1, value); }
                                  public int BottomLine
                                      get { return bottomLine; }
                                      set { bottomLine = Math.Max(1, value); }
                          [COLOR=Red]        [Description("")]
                                  public int UnrealizedPL
                                      get { return unrealizedPL; }
                                      set { unrealizedPL = Math.Max(1, value); }
                                  public bool AFlag1
                                      get { return aFlag1; }
                                      set { aFlag1 = value; }
                                  [COLOR=Red]public[/COLOR] double TrailStop
                                      get { return trailStop; }
                                      set { trailStop = Math.Max(0.00, value); }
                                  [COLOR=Red]public[/COLOR] double PrevValue
                                      get { return prevValue; }
                                      set { prevValue = Math.Max(0.00, value); }
                                  public double TrailStopPercentage
                                      get { return trailStopPercentage; }
                                      set { trailStopPercentage = Math.Max(0.00, value); }
                                  [COLOR=Red]public [/COLOR]bool JustEntered
                                      get { return justEntered; }
                                      set { justEntered = value; }
                                 [COLOR=Red] public[/COLOR] bool ExitFlag
                                      get { return exitFlag; }
                                      set { exitFlag = value; }
                                  public double SafetyTrailingStop
                                      get { return safetyTrailingStop; }
                                      set { safetyTrailingStop = Math.Max(0.00, value); }
                                  public double ProfitTarget2
                                      get { return profitTarget2; }
                                      set { profitTarget2 = Math.Max(0.005, value); }


                            3. Variables are public in the Properties so you can access them and change them in the Strategy selection window. This effectively creates them as user defined parameters. As far as why flags are there I have not followed the code intimately so I would not know. Hope that helps.
                            Josh P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                              Thanks Josh,
                              re 3: I should have formulated better. As far as I can see, these variables are set and overridden in the OnBarUpdate logic, so to me it does not make sense having them as Public and making the list in the optimizing windows larger then necessary.
                              But I might miss something and it is there on purpose ... hence the question to Sauer.


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