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Ninjatrader freezes on startup
Ninjatrader freezes on startup
Ninjatrader is freezing on multiple systems upon startup. Charts not loading and system unresponsive. Please advise if there are back end issues at this time. This problem first appeared on market open Sunday evening. Thank you.
TonyTags: None
Hello Tony,
I am not aware of any issues. Can you please right click on your PC clock and select 'Start Task Manager'. Select the Processes-tab and end the NinjaTrader.exe process - highlight it and click the End Process button.
Subsequently navigate to the folder below.
C:\-->Users-->*Windows user account*-->Documents-->NinjaTrader 7-->workspaces
Delete the _Workspaces.xml file. This will not delete your workspaces, but ensures no workspaces will be opened on startup.
Check if you can start NinjaTrader succesful. You can open your workspaces at Control Center-->File-->Workspaces-->Open Workspace.
You can experience slow and unresponsive behavior in NinjaTrader if you have multiple charts, indicators and other windows opened depending on market volatility as well.
The 'Calculate on bar close' setting for indicators/strategies can be important. If set to False, the indicator/strategy will be calculated on each incoming tick. During high volatlity this can be very CPU intensive especially if the indicator/strategy makes complicated calculations. If set to True, the indicator/strategy will only be calculated at the end of each price bar.
If you have workspaces opened in the background which you do not use, we suggest to close such workspaces. Please go to Control Center-->File-->Workspaces and check what workspaces are listed below 'Save Workspace As'. The workspace with the checkmark is the workspace opened on your monitor. Any additional workspaces listed, are opened in the background.
Please select a workspace without the checkmark. Subsequently, go to Control Center-->File-->Workspaces-->Close Workspace. Repeat this procedure until only 1 workspace is opened. More tips and suggestions to improve the performance of NinjaTrader can be found at the link below.
JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the response. It seems that the problem has to do with rollover(different contracts). We tried deleting the data. See procedure below.
Close NinjaTrader
Documents Directory
Open NinjaTrader 7 Folder
Open the db folder
Open the Cache folder and delete all files within this folder
Go back to the db folder
Open the Tick folder and delete all files within this folder
Repeat this procedure for the Day as well as Minute folders
Restart NinjaTrader
It loads, but when we connect, some historical data comes in for some charts and then it freezes again.
We are using range charts looking back 5 days on each. We trade the currencies 6X which rolled over last week. The database is being repopulated with 06-14 and 09-14 data.(tick folder).
Does that help? Thanks.
Hi Jason,
Tried it. No change.
Here is some new info on this problem.
NG 07-14 historical data seems to be the culprit. If we delete all historical data, the system loads without freezing. We can then remove the NG 07-14 chart. After connection, historical and real-time data are fine. This is the expected operation.
If we then shut down Ninjatrader and restart, with NG 07-14 chart. As expected on load up all the previous charts retrieve data from disk and are populated, except for the NG 07-14 chart. On connection to the data source (CQG) everything once again freezes as it now has to get NG 07-14 data from your servers. This has been replicated.
I hope that this helps.
Hello Tony,
Unfortunately there was some bad data recorded on our server as per the NG 07-14 on 6/15/2014 around 6:16 PM EDT. It shows really high prices around this time. However I do not see how it would affect performance that way.
I tested a NG 07-14 Tick chart for 5 days and it loaded the data within a few seconds. This was the only chart I had opened - I did not have any other charts opened in my test.
Try the following. Shut down NinjaTrader and transfer the tick, minute, day and cache folders to a different location than Documents-->NinjaTrader 7-->db.
Start NinjaTrader and do not connect to your data feed.
Create a new workspace. Leave it empty for now.
Close all other workspaces you have opened. Go to Control Center-->File-->Workspaces. Below 'Save Workspace As' you will find all workspaces you have opened. Select one of your workspaces and then select Control Center-->File-->Workspaces-->Close Workspaces. Repeat this procedure until only the new empty workspace is opened.
Connect to CQG and create a new NG 07-14 Tick chart for 5 days. Check if data is loaded.
If so, please open your other workspaces again.
If the issue remains, please send me your log and trace files. Log and trace files can be found at the following locations. Please attach the files in your email and send it to support [at] ninjatrader [dot] com. Please put 'Att Jason, Ninjatrader freezes on startup' in the subject header.
C:\-->Users-->*Windows user account*-->(My) Documents--> NinjaTrader 7--> Log--> log.20140616 for today. (log.yyyymmdd for any other date)
C:\-->Users-->*Windows user account*-->(My) Documents--> NinjaTrader 7--> Trace--> trace.20140616 for today. (trace.yyyymmdd for any other date)JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service
NT 7 Keeps freezing
I am having similar problems and nothing seems to get the platform working properly. Every time I load a chart, different time frame, anything; it keeps saying (not responding and it takes up to minute to a few minutes before anything loads or reloads.
Hello stealthtrader777,
Am I correct you have the GC 08-14 and NG 07-14 selected in charts that use a custom bar type?
It can take some time for a chart to load. It depends on the amount of data that needs to be loaded and the indicators that need to be calculated. Do you experience the issue if you test a chart without any indicators applied?
You can experience slow and unresponsive behavior in NinjaTrader if you have multiple charts, indicators and other windows opened depending on market volatility as well.
The 'Calculate on bar close' setting for indicators/strategies can be important. If set to False, the indicator/strategy will be calculated on each incoming tick. During high volatlity this can be very CPU intensive especially if the indicator/strategy makes complicated calculations. If set to True, the indicator/strategy will only be calculated at the end of each price bar.
If you have workspaces opened in the background which you do not use, we suggest to close such workspaces. Please go to Control Center-->File-->Workspaces and check what workspaces are listed below 'Save Workspace As'. The workspace with the checkmark is the workspace opened on your monitor. Any additional workspaces listed, are opened in the background.
Please select a workspace without the checkmark. Subsequently, go to Control Center-->File-->Workspaces-->Close Workspace. Repeat this procedure until only 1 workspace is opened. More tips and suggestions to improve the performance of NinjaTrader can be found at the link below.
JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service
@NinjaTrader_Jason I would love to see what the results of this user's freezing issues were.
Don't want to hijack this thread, but this has been an ongoing issued for me (1 core on i7 maxed to 12%/13% much of the time), even after trying all the below, as well as running the same config with no 3rd party indicators; CTRL-ALT-DELETE and bringing up the task list will seemingly interrupt whatever is hogging cycles, sometimes for a brief moment, other times for much longer. I - and many users - really wish and would benefit from something like Chrome's SHIFT-ESC, to determine which chart, process, or indicator is using untold CPU cycles.
Unfortunately there was bad data recorded on our historical data server as per the GC 08-14 and NG 07-14. The bad data occurred around 6:16 PM EDT on 6/15/2014. We have reported it to our server team.
Because of the bad data at very high prices, NinjaTrader needs to create synthetic bars to bridge the gap. This affects performance of NinjaTrader.JasonNinjaTrader Customer Service
Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Jason View PostUnfortunately there was bad data recorded on our historical data server as per the GC 08-14 and NG 07-14. The bad data occurred around 6:16 PM EDT on 6/15/2014. We have reported it to our server team.
Because of the bad data at very high prices, NinjaTrader needs to create synthetic bars to bridge the gap. This affects performance of NinjaTrader.
I was also caught by them. I recall a 5 or so minutes span (seem to remember 6:11EST too) had $1277x quotes, rather than $1277, thus greater by a factor of ten. It caused my whole workspace to become absurdly unresponsive upon loading, when - the day before and for weeks prior - that same workspace had been loading flawlessly. Had major freezes on that Sunday night, and though I fixed the quotes in the Historical Data Manager, it was a before-after matter (not knowing which of many troubleshooting steps I tried), resulted in my losing 4hours of troubleshooting and workspace recreation time.
Thank you for your suggestion..
I have done as you instructed and removed the indicators. The response is a litlle better, but still has long delays which is not acceptable. I have only one work space open which is how I always have it. I have checked my logs and historical data and everything seems fine. I was hoping to have NinjTrader work correctly for two plus weeks before using it on my live accounts. I could not afford to lose money due to lagging and platform freezes. I will uninstall and re-install and see if it works out any bugs.
how to fix
Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Jason View PostUnfortunately there was bad data recorded on our historical data server as per the GC 08-14 and NG 07-14. The bad data occurred around 6:16 PM EDT on 6/15/2014. We have reported it to our server team.
Because of the bad data at very high prices, NinjaTrader needs to create synthetic bars to bridge the gap. This affects performance of NinjaTrader.
If one is experiencing this what should one do?
Is there a remedy?
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