1. If I keep NT7 running all day and have these settings in the Data>Options tab,
"Save Chart Data as Historical"
"Get Data from Server"
"Record for Market Replay"
"Filter bad ticks" set to 0.1
Then after a reboot of the computer, the chart shows good data and no bad ticks. This is for today anyhow.
2. If I don't have "Save Chart Data as Historical", then when I reboot, there are bad ticks and a tick chart looks horrible.
Is this expected behavior?
If I "Save Chart Data as Historical", will NT7 use that data for historical data on charts even though I have "Get Data From Server" selected?
I'm hoping this will continue to work this way to have clean charts. The only problem will be that when I don't have the computer on charting during the day, the bad ticks will come back for those days because it is coming from the MB Trading feed rather then historical filtered data stored on the disk.
Does this sound right?