I'm not sure if I am the only one experiencing this, but it is occurring on a couple of computers. When I run an optimization in the strategy analzyer, there seems to be a bug with the sizing of columns in optimizer tab. Sometimes sizing the columns is not an issue, but if a column is sized too far to the right, it disappears altogether. When I right click for grid properties, it is checked. If I uncheck it and recheck it, it will reappear. So far - so good. I can just try to resize the column again.
The problem occurs when at times, I am unable to uncheck and recheck the column. I will uncheck it and close the grid properties. When I reopen the grid properties, it is already checked. This is the case if I move the column or not. Once the column is in this "permanently checked" state, it cannot be returned to optimizer tab. The application seems to think it is checked and showing, but it simply isn't. Double -clicking it's spot between columns has no effect.
This is particularly important if the column in question is parameters and settings are being compared. It makes it very challenging to get a real sense of what is occuring inside subsequent strategy tests is one can't see the different parameter settings in the grid.
If I close the strategy analyzer and reopen it, the same problem is still there. If I close the strategy analyzer and also NinjaTrader, the same problem is still there. There seems to be no way to reset the grid to it's original default set up to try again.
Has anyone else had this issue? Suggestions?