I’m trying to switch my FXCM Strategy trader EA to Ninjatrader platform but I’m experiencing some difficulties to apply my ST stochastic strategy to Ninja stochastic indicator.
Although I set the same stochastic parameters in both Ninja trader and strategy trader Stochastic (Slow Stochastic = smoothing type=1) , and I apply the same historical price series, the result is different as described in the attached image.
I tried to analyze strategy trader platform stochastic script (see below) and I realized that it might be related to the calculation of the average in the ST stochastic but I can’t identify it clearly.
Could someone help me to get the same indicator as per Strategy trader platform?
Thanks for the support
protected override void Construct(){
m_cum1 = new Cum(this,m_data_stream);
m_cum2 = new Cum(this,m_data_stream);
m_cum3 = new Cum(this,m_data_stream);
m_xaverage1 = new XAverage(this,m_data_stream);
m_xaverageorig1 = new XAverageOrig(this,m_data_stream);
m_num1 = new SeriesVar<Double>(this);
m_den1 = new SeriesVar<Double>(this);
protected override void Initialize(){
m_cum1.price = m_num1;
m_cum2.price = m_den1;
m_cum3.price = ofastd;
m_xaverage1.price = ofastk;
m_xaverage1.length = length1;
m_xaverageorig1.price = ofastd;
m_xaverageorig1.length = length2;
m_ll = 0;
m_hh = 0;
m_num1.DefaultValue = 0;
m_den1.DefaultValue = 0;
m_num2 = 0;
m_den2 = 0;
m_barstogo1 = 0;
m_barstogo2 = 0;
protected override void Destroy() {}
protected override Double Execute(){
Double _This = this[0];
_This = 1;
m_ll = Functions.Lowest(pricel, stochlength.Value);
m_hh = Functions.Highest(priceh, stochlength.Value);
m_num1.Value = (pricec.Value - m_ll);
m_den1.Value = (m_hh - m_ll);
if (Functions.DoubleGreater(m_den1.Value, 0)){
ofastk.Value = ((m_num1.Value/((m_den1.Value)))
ofastk.Value = 0;
_This = (-1*1);
if ((smoothingtype.Value == 1)){m_barstogo1 = (length1.Value - Bars.CurrentBar);
if ((Functions.DoubleGreater(m_barstogo1, 0) && Functions.DoubleGreater(Bars.CurrentBar, 0)))
m_num2 = ((m_cum1[0]
+ (m_barstogo1*m_num1[((Int32) (Math.Round(((Double) ((Bars.CurrentBar - 1))))))]))
m_den2 = ((m_cum2[0]
+ (m_barstogo1*m_den1[((Int32) (Math.Round(((Double) ((Bars.CurrentBar - 1))))))]))
m_num2 = Functions.Average(m_num1, length1.Value);
m_den2 = Functions.Average(m_den1, length1.Value);
if (Functions.DoubleGreater(m_den2, 0)){
ofastd.Value = ((m_num2/((m_den2)))
ofastd.Value = 0;
_This = (-1*1);
m_barstogo2 = (length2.Value - Bars.CurrentBar);
if ((Functions.DoubleGreater(m_barstogo2, 0) && Functions.DoubleGreater(Bars.CurrentBar, 0))){
oslowd.Value = ((m_cum3[0]
+ (m_barstogo2*ofastd[((Int32) (Math.Round(((Double) ((Bars.CurrentBar - 1))))))]))
oslowd.Value = Functions.Average(ofastd, length2.Value);
if ((smoothingtype.Value == 2)){
ofastd.Value = m_xaverage1[0];
oslowd.Value = m_xaverageorig1[0];
oslowk.Value = ofastd.Value;
return _This;