we have this strategy XX and this strategy trades on contract ZZ 03-12, but to use our SMA filters we need to look back farther than only to the beginning of 03-12, say we need 4-5 months back, there fore we need to use ZZ ##-## and to draw SMAs above them to know their current values even at the beginning of ZZ 03-12. What we are afraid of is that before every order execution NT is going to download all history of ZZ ##-## thus delaying each order execution too much, then NT must calculate our indicators, draw SMAs as filters... What would you recommend to minimize the rist of delays, the delay from going to HDD to check for the already downloaded data is ok, but we are not sure about data connection through internet. I just know that when running backtest and NT is connected it downloads all data for every test sothe backtest runs much longer even if NT has got all data on HDD it downloads them again and again. Is it possible to stop him from downloading them again and to go to HDD with priority? Or to make NT to downlaod them only every hour and go to HDD otherwise? Any other tip that would minimize risk of delaying orders due to data downloading?
Thank you