All my orders to take short positions are cancelled. The message Type is : "Order='2101169734/U621861' Name='Sell short' New state=Cancelled Instrument='SU' Action=SellShort Limit price=39.27 Stop price=0 Quantity=134 Type=Limit Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error=NoError Native error='Order Canceled - reason: (202)"
I paste the conversation with IB
User1235: Hi,
User1235: I'm receiving error message for short positions (not for long)
User1235: I paste the message: "Order='2101169734/U621861' Name='Sell short' New state=Cancelled Instrument='SU' Action=SellShort Limit price=39.27 Stop price=0 Quantity=134 Type=Limit Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error=NoError Native error='Order Canceled - reason: (202)'"
Megan C: Which account are you receiving that for?
User1235: U632564
User1235: I'm trding through Ninja
Megan C: ok I am not seeing any rejections in the account. The order to sell 134 SU was canceled by you, not the IB system. IB has not rejected or canceled any of your orders
User1235: so, this is a ninja issue?
Megan C: Yes, that appears to be the case. You may want to contact them to discuss this further
User1235: ok thnsk