I am trying to setup a simple strategy based on the change of colour of the HMA. I d/l an indicator for NT called HMAColourChange. It basically chages colour depending on whether it is trending up or down.,
I now want to create a strategy that enters a long position on RisingPlot and enters a short position on FallingPlot. I would also like the strategy to exit the short position when entering long and vice versa for short. Seems simple, but have not been able to crack it.
I started by naming the strategy and selecting int under Type. I put 40 as Default, as I have chosen 40 as the HMA parameter I want to test.I left Min. set to 1.
Under conditions I selected the indicator and the condition looks like this HMAColourChange(40).RisingPlot(0) == HMAColourChange(40).RisingPlot(0) I left bars to look back as 0 as it seems I can override this in the strategy tester by selecting Calculate on bar close. I have changed it to (1) but it made no difference.
I select EnterLong as the action, calling the signal RisingPlot and select a stop loss. When I test the strategy, I get 0 in everything
Can anybody spot what I am doing wrong? I am sure it is very much the nut holding the wheel, but it is my first attempt at setting a strategy