1. Do I control the live /sim from the account column in the NT strategies window only or do I need to set the TWS to trade sim?
2. When doing a back test, is the SA only using the IB historical data or the stored NT server historical data or a blend? The reason I ask is because IB is only supposed to have 1 year historical FX data but I can pull up a chart with 2 years' data, so how is it doing that?
3. I have been doing all my testing in "tenth pips" and I had to set it to "half pip" for IB, so to retest with the IB data can I just go to whole pips with my profit target and stop loss or do I need to specify the last digit as a 0 or 5 for the half pip? eg: 50 for whole pips, 500 for half pips.