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Multiple Connections

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    Multiple Connections

    I put this post under Connections as I think it is related to my trying to close NT while connected to 3 datafeeds (Patsystems, OpenTick, IQ).

    NT freezes and can not close.

    This is especially annoying because NT just crashed...I had to re-install/Repair and then set up all my charts AGAIN since we still do not have Save Layout (promised in NT6.5).

    So, to save my layout, I closed crashed...and now I get to create all my charts again

    [in my opinion Save Layout should have been in NT1.0]


    Have now determined the problem is TPOChart plug-in verion 1.1.0 as NT will close fine with 3 datafeeds connected.


      Thank you for your help on isolating this issue.

      For confirmation, can you reproduce this? Meaning, disconnects fine when *no* TPO chart is loaded. Hangs if TPO chart is loaded?

      RayNinjaTrader Customer Service


        More info

        I just re-created the problem by having 5 charts open and connecting to Patsystems and then OpenTick ...tried to close and NT locked up

        Test prior to that was same 5 charts and only connected to Patsystems...closed fine and restarted fine.

        Looks like problem is disconnecting from OT?


          Not TPOChart problem...seems to be OpenTick

          I have now tested with TPOChart running and no problem closing NT if only connected to Patsystems or Patsystems and IQ....and with TPOChart running.

          However, if you connect to Pats and OpenTick and try to close NT, NT freezes up.



            For further clarification -

            - If you connect *only* to OT, can you shut down without NT hanging?
            - If you connect to Patsystem and OT at the same time without any chart windows open and then shut down, NT hangs? Does this happen each and every time?
            RayNinjaTrader Customer Service


              OpenTick test

              I have 7 charts open and one Market Analyzer window which is picking up ADD and SP500 indices from OT. One chart is running TPOChart, one is running ADD and one is running SP500.

              If I connect only to OT and close without disconnecting from OT, no problem....just a few seconds delay while OT disconnects.

              If I connect to both Patsystems and OT, with the same 7 charts, and close without disconnecting at all, it freezes every time. In this case I have to close NT with Task Manager.

              If I close all charts and connect to Patsystems and OT, I can close NT with no problem.


                Further OpenTick Test

                If I have no chart open, connect to Patsystems and OT, open a new chart for ES (which would feed from Patsystems) and open a new chart of ADD and SP500 (both fed from OT) and try to close NT, it hangs.

                Therefore, problem seems to be closing NT when OT is feeding a chart.


                  Can you try this -

                  - Close all charts
                  - Shut down NT
                  - Restart
                  - Connect to OT
                  - Open a chart of ADD
                  - Shut down NT

                  Does it hang?
                  RayNinjaTrader Customer Service


                    More OpenTick tests

                    If I open NT, connect to OT only, open new charts for ADD and SP500 and then close NT, no problem.

                    If I re-open NT with same two charts and connect to OT first and then Pats, and close NT, no problem.

                    or...connect to Pats first and then OT, and close NT, no problem.

                    HOWEVER, if I open NT with the 2 OT charts, connect to Pats, then to OT and open an ES chart (Pats feed), then try to close NT, NT hangs and I have to close via Task Manager.

                    So....problem occurs, everytime, when NT is connected to both Pats and OT with charts open for each feed and try to close NT without disconnecting either feed.


                      NT hangs again - this time Patsystems and IQfeed

                      This time I was connected to Patsystems and IQfeed with same 7 charts and a Market Analyzer window open.

                      Having wasted a lot of time on the Pats/OpenTick issue, I tried to disconnect from Pats and IQ prior to closing NT.

                      Pats closed fine. IQ hung NT...i.e. clicked Disconnect/IQfeed and it is still sitting there not closing.

                      So, problems closing NT with mulitple datafeeds is not limited to OpenTick.


                      In this case, closing NT with both Pats and IQ connected and not disconnecting either, NT closed without a problem.
                      Last edited by ATI user; 10-01-2007, 06:32 PM.


                        This is a bug which will be fixed the next update.

                        We created a custom build for you. Would be great if you test that the issue is resolved for you:
                        - please uninstall NT6 via control panel. All your data will be preserved.
                        - clear your browser cache
                        - install custom build from here:

                        Please let us know how it goes. Thanks for isolating this issue.


                          custom build works

                          Ok. Loaded custom build and tested with Pats and IQ. It had been hanging if I disconnected Pats and then tried to close NT while still connected to IQ. It closed properly.

                          Then tested with Pats and OT. It would not close if both still connected and charts were open for both. It closed properly.

                          So, custom build works fine. Thanks.

                          It would be a big improvement if users did not have to restart NT to re-connect with Pats. As it is now, if the Pats connection is lost and you are trading, you have to shut everything down instead of NT re-connecting with Pats automatically as it does with all other connections.


                          In an unrelated issue, IQ does not load SP500 data but just hangs until you click Abort, then it fills SP500 chart. This happens constantly and is not restricted to the SP500 instrument as yesterday IQ loading would hang on the ES tick chart but not on the ES 1 min charts.


                            >> It would be a big improvement if users did not have to restart NT to re-connect with Pats. As it is now, if the Pats connection is lost and you are trading, you have to shut everything down instead of NT re-connecting with Pats automatically as it does with all other connections.
                            We'll add to the list of future considerations.

                            Tick charts on DTN just take their time to load. I tested a tick chart on SP500 and it worked as expected.


                              Actually Dierk it was a 1 min SP500 chart that hung...not tick chart. I seldom use tick charts and often getting hanging data with IQ on my 1 min charts.


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