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White space on desktop
White space on desktop
I noticed on the NT7 20,21 versions that upon reloading data . there are these little white spaces left on my desk top, one for each chart,, this looks like the upper right corner of the chart,, The white space inside the chart area resets ok,, but part pops outside the window onto the desktop , which I have to refresh the desk top to get rid of the of the rest ..Tags: None
I talked with development.
Nothing has changed with the link button in a long time. Therefor we believe this is still a driver issue, may be just coincidence it started now. The driver may be able to display blue ray without issue but it may has something specific to updating when there is a stagnant window that doesnt force an update manually.
Development also mentioned that hardware acceleration can be changed in your control panel->display settings in an attempt to resolve this as well.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Hello, the same issue has been happening to my NinjaTrader app since a lot time ago.
High computer specs: Windows 7. Intel Core i7 939 @3200. Nvidia 9800GT, 9GB RAM. Latest drivers. Ninja never uses more than 1GB memory. CQG datafeed
It occurs in the following scenarios:
1) Just a few charts:
a) OK: No white issue.
b) White Issue: not sure, but maybe with a lot of 'days to load' parameter (>5 years) in a small time frime: 15s, 1m or so.
2) Plenty of charts, 36 in a 1920x1080 desktop....
a) OK. 6x15 second charts (3 days to load)
6x1 min charts (10 days to load)
6x5 min charts (20 days)
6x30 min charts (365 days)
6x4h charts (365 days)
6x12h charts (2000 days)
b) White issue: same as 2-a, when increasing considerably the days to load in small time frame charts.
c) White issue: same as 2-a, when using some indicators. i.e: PriceOnLine (available at indicators section: shows the price for any horizontal line, above on the right side. Used on one chart with 100 horizontal lines). Upon refreshing, the white space is shown. Same for other high demanding indicators.
d) White issue: same as 2-a when adding bid/ask dataseries on the same panel of the 6x15sec charts and 6x1min charts.
e) White issue (rare ocassions). High data/second, when some economic news are published
The subjective sensation is: Ninja runs out of ammo, and can't refresh his L windows properly.
After a white issue, some windows gets refreshed OK, but others don't, showing the white rectangle besides the L icon which gg80108 did attach as an example in his first post.
I'm thinking of the L icon management in the Chart/T&S/MA/DOM title bar as the source of the problem. In older Ninja versions,maybe 6.x, the L icon sometimes protuded the window, and the icon became big. This is fixed now, but perhaps something wrong remains. The next is an example.
I have a two scren set, the windows main screen is the right one, empty at windows starting (app icons on the desktop). Ninja loads on left screen. It is a strange thing that when Ninja is loading it draws small boxes in the right screen (but they get deleted very fast), which size is the size of the L icon. Then the charts continue drawing, in this part the L boxes in the left screen loads in black (my desktop is black), and the strange thing is that the background of this L boxes has images which are present in my right main desktop (colors and name of icons). It is like if Ninja do copy the icon size background from my main screen and pastes into the left one, before drawing the full chart/T&S/DOM.. window. weird thing.
I haven't got a problem of this type with any other windows app or game, including high demanding ones.
I hope this description helps you to catch the problem.
Thank you.Last edited by drecio; 04-12-2012, 06:08 AM.
Thanks for that information.
I have not had any further reported cases of this since 2 years ago with this original post.
May be performance related with what you are running or your video card.
Have you tried reducing workload on the PC with the below performance steps, this would be the first step I would have you do just to test to find out if that is the issue.
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