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latest alert ends up in middle of alert window

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    latest alert ends up in middle of alert window

    I have 2 6E charts and 1 ES chart, all high priority and all alerts are named differently, although both 6E indicators are the same except for the alert name,the color it prints and the sound. The ES has no sound in the alert.

    I have tried clicking on the time heading so the little triangle has pointed both ways and still the latest alert is not on top. Sometimes it seems to be grouping the alerts by chart, but I just want the last alert that goes off to always be the top regardless of from which source.

    What needs to be reset?


    I have noticed that before too but never asked about it. I am referring to the alerts not being sorted by the time they occur sometimes, even after clicking the Time heading to re-sort. Dan
    NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - Integrity Traders


      I was able to duplicate this with NinjaTrader 6.5. I was not able to duplicate this in NinjaTrader 7 which means that this has been resolved in NinjaTrader 7.

      You might might be interested in our NinjaTrader 7 public beta that was just recently released. You can download NinjaTrader 7 by going to the following page. Select the option for already using NinjaTrader and input your license key. Once you have done that you will see the option to download NinjaTrader 7 Public Beta.


        Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Brett View Post
        I was able to duplicate this with NinjaTrader 6.5. I was not able to duplicate this in NinjaTrader 7 which means that this has been resolved in NinjaTrader 7.

        You might might be interested in our NinjaTrader 7 public beta that was just recently released. You can download NinjaTrader 7 by going to the following page. Select the option for already using NinjaTrader and input your license key. Once you have done that you will see the option to download NinjaTrader 7 Public Beta.
        will i need to reload any data or indicators if i upgrade



          This infomation is listed in the upgrade guide that is given to you when you click on the download link for NinjaTrader 7.

          Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


            Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Brett View Post

            This infomation is listed in the upgrade guide that is given to you when you click on the download link for NinjaTrader 7.

            Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
            i need to know what i actually HAVE to do.
            1.Will I need to rewrite this category switch in every indicator I already compiled?
            User parameters are no longer marked by [Category("Parameters")]. Please use this: Note: You should not use category names that are the same as any internal NinjaTrader categories besides the default "Parameters" category.

            2.Barcolor changes scare me the most because I am not concerned with the bar, but all of my indicators recolor backgrounds red or green for ease of deciding to enter or wait and I cant afford to find out those are gone or need serious fixes.BarColor no longer colors the entire bar. It will color the bar body only. To color the bar outline please use CandleOutlineColor.

            BarColorSeries should not be used. Please use this:
            ColorSeries[int barsAgo]


              Unfortunately there is no for sure right or wrong answer on what will and wont work in NinjaTrader 7. The only thing that I have is the code breaking changes listed in the following guide:

              Contains critical information including but not limited to migration, installation, connections and changes.

              Other then that I would recommend installing NinjaTrader 7 and testing your indicators to see what will need to be changed if anything. NinjaTrader 7 can be installed without disturbing your NinjaTrader 6.5. So if you needed to go back to 6.5 you can.


                Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Brett View Post
                Unfortunately there is no for sure right or wrong answer on what will and wont work in NinjaTrader 7. The only thing that I have is the code breaking changes listed in the following guide:

                Contains critical information including but not limited to migration, installation, connections and changes.

                Other then that I would recommend installing NinjaTrader 7 and testing your indicators to see what will need to be changed if anything. NinjaTrader 7 can be installed without disturbing your NinjaTrader 6.5. So if you needed to go back to 6.5 you can.
                might be safer to do it on my daughters notebook over the weekend so i dont shoot myself in the foot followed by the head.


                  Let me know how it goes!


                    Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Brett View Post
                    Let me know how it goes!
                    I AM SORRY I EVER GOT INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Last nite I moved my 6.5 workspace, chart and indicator folders onto my notebook and compiled one so everything worked fine.

                    Then i dowloanded MS framework 3.5 or whatever and downloaded 7.14 beta.

                    The only option it gave was to migrate everything but charts so I said OK.
                    When I opened edit indicators, none of my own indicators were there so I renamed v7 chart as chart 7, workspace as workspace 7 and indicator as indicator 7 so i wouldnt lose the folder and put my 6.5 folders there as well.

                    Then I reopened edit indicators and picked one I had written, it opened and I clicked compile and the error opened mentioning 5 or 6 other indicators (not the open one) with references to error lines. I didnt want to deal with it last nite so I closed it down.

                    Just now I logged in on the notebook and if i go to edit indicators, everything is there, but no matter what i click on I get a pop up big wide window saying unable to open file C:.........for reading: object reference not set to an instance of an object.

                    And when I logged in on my desktop just now it told me i need to update here too because my license key was upgraded--so I am royally screwed.

                    I am editing now because I just went back and renamed my 3 v6.5 folders I had inserted as chart 65 workspace 65 and indicator 65 and removed the 7 from the 3 v7 folders so they looked like they did originally.

                    I still get the same error except that only the ninja provided indicators were there but they still would not open.
                    Last edited by simpletrades; 04-17-2010, 08:37 AM.


                      i deleted 7.0 on my notebook, but reopening v6.5 still says my license key was upgrsded and i need to upgrade.
                      After that I also deleted the ninja 7.0 folder in my documents but in program files only ninja 6.5 was there.

                      I cant upgrade and lose all my self written indicators and I couldnt figure out the 'helpful' documentation with v7.

                      you told me this: "
                      Other then that I would recommend installing NinjaTrader 7 and testing your indicators to see what will need to be changed if anything. NinjaTrader 7 can be installed without disturbing your NinjaTrader 6.5. So if you needed to go back to 6.5 you can. "

                      But obviously I cant test them because i CANT ACCESS them and how long do i have until that error message forces me to upgrade?
                      Last edited by simpletrades; 04-17-2010, 08:52 AM.


                        Originally posted by ninjatrader_brett View Post
                        let me know how it goes!
                        i think you have a lot of nerve setting me up to be a guinea pig for this

                        I reinstalled v7 and this time when i tried to compile and the list of errors came up, I deleted the indicators from the file.
                        Of the indicators that couldnt compile that I deleted FIVE were default ninja indicators that came loaded with v7--BarTimer, CandlestickPattern, Heikin-Ashi (my spelling?), Pivots and VolumeProfile.

                        After that I was able to open new charts but my old templates, and workspaces arent useable. Do I next have to figure out which 8 or 10 indicators go on which chart, then redo the colors, widths, settings etc.. one by one? I had 5 or 6 saved workspaces and each of those had between 2 and 8 charts in it.
                        There has to be a way to use all the time and effort we have put in to get our charts just the way we wanted on v6.5 if you expect any of us to willingly convert to 7.
                        Last edited by simpletrades; 04-17-2010, 02:07 PM.



                          First off, this message is a notification message and does not force you to upgrade. Please select do not shot this again and hit OK so that you can continue using NinjaTrader 6.5. NinjaTrader 6.5 is still the production stable release of NinjaTrader as NinjaTrader 7 is still is open beta. There is no effect to NinjaTrader 6.5 from NinjaTrader 7 being installed on any system.

                          Also for the upgrade procedures, This is as expected. Charting in NinjaTrader 7 has changed so substantially that it we were unable to import workspaces and charts. You will need to re create this in NinjaTrader 7.

                          Please see the following post for what does and does not transfer from 6.5.
                          Contains critical information including but not limited to migration, installation, connections and changes.


                            Originally posted by NinjaTrader_Brett View Post

                            First off, this message is a notification message and does not force you to upgrade. Please select do not shot this again and hit OK so that you can continue using NinjaTrader 6.5. NinjaTrader 6.5 is still the production stable release of NinjaTrader as NinjaTrader 7 is still is open beta. There is no effect to NinjaTrader 6.5 from NinjaTrader 7 being installed on any system.

                            Also for the upgrade procedures, This is as expected. Charting in NinjaTrader 7 has changed so substantially that it we were unable to import workspaces and charts. You will need to re create this in NinjaTrader 7.

                            Please see the following post for what does and does not transfer from 6.5.
                            thank you, if you had told me about the charting and templates i would never had started. All i wanted was consistency in my alert window and you recommended upgrading so i assumed i'd be ok.
                            sorry i got so pissed off.


                              No problem, there has been a lot of changes to NinjaTrader 7 and it will take more time for some traders to get setup and get used to using NinjaTrader 7 and it will take less time for others.

                              Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


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