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Account Performance Tab

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    Account Performance Tab

    Hi guys

    I have found a significant problem in the Account Performance figures. When i first found it I thought this was just related to the Simulation Version, although now that I'm connected with a Gain Live Feed it is still happening.

    I have changed my chart trader property such that each position is managed individually. DisplaySelectedATMStrategyOnly, however the figures do not add up when the GroupByATM strategy tick box is off, this is not a database problem, as I have I can replicate this problem at will and have done so on all 3 of my machines and a recent newly installed version. What happens is that it seems to be mixing up the link between which trade belongs to which ATM template. For instance if I trade 3 contracts on M1 on a day and another 3 on M2, I would expect to see 2 entries when group by ATM is ticked and 6 entries when it is unchecked. When the group mode is on the figures add up and all looks good, however when unchecked, sometimes I have 4 entries pointing to M1 template and 2 to M2 etc., as well as the figures are nonsense and don't even add up to the same total as when the check box is ticked for group by ATM.

    It seems to be some sort of bug in the way it's being reported on or some association between the elements, because most of the time i can get the correct figures if I deselect one of the templates so that I just have 1 in view etc.

    This particular problem is causing me a huge amount of grief as I really need this particular trading option and not having the correct figures is not on really.

    So the question is, has this already been identified and fixed in 7? If not could you put me on the 7 beta list and I will see if I can replicate it on there. If you want me to replicate it on 6.5 I can do that fairly easily and get the logs over to you. If it's right in 7, it's something I can live with for now but if not then it desperately needs fixing, as at the mo I'm exporting all trade data and having to massage the figures on a spreadsheet on the way out.

    I saw a post the other day on a similar note where trades from previous days show up in the selection criteria of a day that it should not. I think the person was asked to clean the DB etc. , I am also easily able to replicate this scenario, it's not a DB issue. It's a matter of opening a multiple contract position and scaling out some of it on one day and then the rest on the next day. This creates a scenario where if you enquire for the trades just applicable to the following day, it on occasion shows trades relating to the previous day that were part of the position.
    Let me know how you would like to proceed with this one also. I would really love to have the Account Performance window up to scratch so I don't have to keep massaging the figures every day. At the moment the NT reporting tools aren't much use to me unless I can be confident the trade data is being reported accurately.


    Ross, thanks for the detailed post - I'm not aware of this, so please send a note to me at support at ninjatrader dot com and include steps how I can reproduce and test this on 6.5 / 7. Thanks
    BertrandNinjaTrader Customer Service


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