- I enter a (stock) position by submitting a place order via .NET ATI and provide ATM name.
- I need to have an ATM with % targets and point stops, but my understanding is that I can do one or another. If so, I would need to adjust my ATM stops right after entering a position.
For instance I enter 2 long positions
1. MSFT [email protected]
2. RIMM [email protected]
I need both of my ATMs to have targets: t1 30@2%, t2 30@3%, t3 40@4%.
And I need both of them to have stops $1.00 below my entry price.
How can I do that?
I can think of 2 ways:
1. My .NET program checks the entry order status and after I enter a position it should adjust somehow stop orders so that they are set $1.00 below entry price.
2. I have to write a ninja script which should receive an entry signal (Symbol, Qty, long/short, limit price) from my .NET program and after order fill it should create and run new ATM strategy with required parameters based on the entry price.
Thank you!