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All bars showing identical OHLC when strategy fails to execute.

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    All bars showing identical OHLC when strategy fails to execute.

    I have numerous charts that appear blank. I have deleted and rebuilt data, uninstalled NinjaTrader 7 and reinstalled but no luck. My guess, something that is causing the issue is still present on my PC even when I uninstall NT. The issue originally started with a failed execution from a strategy. I get an error and from that point forward all charts for that vehicle appear similarly to the attached images.

    How can I completely wipe things so I can do a fresh install? I only would like, if possible to retain historical data although if that risks the issue remaining I can live without it.

    Data is from DTN, execution is via IB.

    Is this a known issue and has it been seen any other time? It looks like the Y axis has an upper value precisely double the lower value. When I open the Data box it shows the same Open, High, Low and Close for every bar. In the case of Gold 1856, in NASDAQ 12705. However, the 'Price' for each is precisely double, 3712 for GC and in NQ 25410.
    Attached Files

    Hello scalp,

    Thanks for posting.

    As a test, please take the following steps to force NinjaTrader to start without your saved workspace. You will have the option to reopen these after our tests.
    • Shut down NinjaTrader
    • Navigate to (My) Documents\NinjaTrader 7\workspaces
    • Delete the file named "_Workspaces.XML". DO NOT delete the 'workspaces' folder - only delete the '_Workspaces.XML' file within the 'workspaces' folder
    • After deleting this file, restart NinjaTrader which should start up without any workspaces.
    • Once NinjaTrader has started on just the control center, please open a new chart with no custom bar types/indicators/templates and test for issues.
    • *Please note this will not delete your workspace however the new blank workspace will be named Untitled1. If you have a workspace already named "Untitled1," however, you will not want to save the workspace when exiting NinjaTrader, otherwise, it will overwrite it.

    If there are no issues on this new workspace, please try opening the previous workspace by going to File--> Workspaces--> Open workspace.

    If this reintroduces issues, I would suggest rebuilding your workspace, adding 1 indicator at a time. Please keep track of what indicators you add back in so that we can narrow down what indicator is causing the issue if the issue returns. I also suggest making a backup of your workspace so we can restore a backup if the issue returns.

    I have provided a link below to our Help Guide that goes over backing up and restoring.Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.
    Tyler M.NinjaTrader Customer Service



      Thanks for the suggestion. I did as you described but even with no open workspace charts still have the issue. I have no issue in deleting my existing workspace but assume that won't help based upon the steps you suggested not helping..



        Please send me your log and trace files so that I may look into what occurred.

        You can do this by going to the Control Center-> Help-> Email Support

        Ensuring 'Log and Trace Files' is checked will include these files. This is checked by default.

        Please reference the following ticket number in the body of the email: 2960730 ATTN Tyler

        I look forward to being of assistance.
        Tyler M.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Many thanks, I jut emailed the logs to you.


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