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Unhandled exception: Write lock

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    Unhandled exception: Write lock

    2018-03-05 23:19:38:795|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Change submitted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.22009 Quantity=250 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:19:38:795|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Accepted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.21993 Quantity=500 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='Unable to change order' Native error='Stop price can't be changed above the market.'
    2018-03-05 23:19:38:795|0|32|Playback101, Stop price can't be changed above the market. affected Order: Sell 500 StopMarket @ 1.21993
    2018-03-05 23:19:45:249|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Change submitted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.22008 Quantity=500 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:19:45:253|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Accepted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.22008 Quantity=500 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:19:49:835|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Working' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.22008 Quantity=500 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:19:49:847|1|32|Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916ad d9db07b/Playback101' Name='exitstoplosslong' New state='Filled' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Sell' Limit price=0 Stop price=1.22008 Quantity=500 Type='Stop Market' Time in force=GTC Oco='' Filled=500 Fill price=1.2200499999999999 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:19:49:848|1|8|Execution='fb4ab395f3d7487bacc5da 3c868f7759' Instrument='GBPUSD' Account='Playback101' Exchange=Default Price=1.2200499999999999 Quantity=500 Market position=Short Operation=Operation_Add Order='7f8ed23c503d4b3fab5e916add9db07b' Time='3-7-2017 7:04 PM'
    2018-03-05 23:19:50:585|1|64|Instrument='GBPUSD' Account='Playback101' Average price=1.2200499999999999 Quantity=250 Market position=Short Operation=Update
    2018-03-05 23:22:29:766|1|4|Chart Trader close position
    2018-03-05 23:22:29:767|1|128|Disabled strategy='PullbackBreakoutStrategy_HH7firstexit2/130991453'
    2018-03-05 23:22:29:767|1|4|Disabling NinjaScript strategy 'PullbackBreakoutStrategy_HH7firstexit2/130991453'
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:872|1|32|Order='1487a649570e433c9f4f9ac64 49e0352/Playback101' Name='Close' New state='Submitted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Buy to cover' Limit price=0 Stop price=0 Quantity=250 Type='Market' Time in force=DAY Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:873|1|32|Order='1487a649570e433c9f4f9ac64 49e0352/Playback101' Name='Close' New state='Accepted' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Buy to cover' Limit price=0 Stop price=0 Quantity=250 Type='Market' Time in force=DAY Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:873|1|32|Order='1487a649570e433c9f4f9ac64 49e0352/Playback101' Name='Close' New state='Working' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Buy to cover' Limit price=0 Stop price=0 Quantity=250 Type='Market' Time in force=DAY Oco='' Filled=0 Fill price=0 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:874|1|32|Order='1487a649570e433c9f4f9ac64 49e0352/Playback101' Name='Close' New state='Filled' Instrument='GBPUSD' Action='Buy to cover' Limit price=0 Stop price=0 Quantity=250 Type='Market' Time in force=DAY Oco='' Filled=250 Fill price=1.2203899999999992 Error='No error' Native error=''
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:874|1|8|Execution='1d1a124022ae40b08a05ac 5b811303c1' Instrument='GBPUSD' Account='Playback101' Exchange=Default Price=1.2203899999999992 Quantity=250 Market position=Long Operation=Operation_Add Order='1487a649570e433c9f4f9ac6449e0352' Time='3-8-2017 2:16 AM'
    2018-03-05 23:22:30:874|1|64|Instrument='GBPUSD' Account='Playback101' Average price=0 Quantity=0 Market position=Flat Operation=Remove
    2018-03-05 23:22:39:731|1|4|Enabling NinjaScript strategy 'PullbackBreakoutStrategy_HH7firstexit2/130991453' : On starting a real-time strategy - StartBehavior=WaitUntilFlat EntryHandling=All entries EntriesPerDirection=1 StopTargetHandling=Per entry execution ErrorHandling=Ignore all errors ExitOnSessionClose=False SetOrderQuantityBy=Strategy ConnectionLossHandling=Recalculate DisconnectDelaySeconds=10 CancelEntriesOnStrategyDisable=False CancelExitsOnStrategyDisable=False Calculate=On each tick IsUnmanaged=False MaxRestarts=4 in 5 minutes
    2018-03-05 23:23:55:744|1|2|Playback Connection: Primary connection=Disconnecting, Price feed=Disconnecting
    2018-03-05 23:29:40:205|0|4|Unhandled exception: Not enough quota is available to process this command
    2018-03-05 23:29:40:893|0|4|Unhandled exception: Write lock may not be acquired with read lock held. This pattern is prone to deadlocks. Please ensure that read locks are released before taking a write lock. If an upgrade is necessary, use an upgrade lock in place of the read lock.
    my custom code has exception handers all over the place. so something fishy is happening.

    The most likely cause of these messages is that NinjaTrader wasn't able to get more available RAM for something that your code was trying to do.

    Please provide the custom NinjaScript files you're referring to in a post here. If you do not want to post your code, you can send it to us via email for review. Email may also be a better route so we can obtain the full log and trace files for review.

    Please write into PlatformSupport[AT]NinjaTrader[DOT]com with a link to this thread so that we may assist you further.


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