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Interactive broker data to show Tick Charts

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    Interactive broker data to show Tick Charts

    Hi traders,

    Can the interactive broker data feed be used to display tick charts ? I currently use Range , UniRenko charts. Since IB data feed is a snapshot data 0.25 s , and not a pure tick based and I want to use it to trade Indian Markets.


    Hello chinmaya122,

    Thank you for your post.

    Glad to assist. Due to the IB connection in NinjaTrader not supplying historical tick data, tick based charts will open blank, but build upon receiving real-time data from IB.

    The below link will show all the NinjaTrader-supported data feeds and the market they support.

    See "Understanding the Data Supplied by your Connectivity Provider"

    Let us know if we may assist further.
    Eric B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Interactive Brokers v973.04 API (current beta is v973.05) now supports historical tick data requests.

      Sooner or later, I suppose NT 7/8 will support it.


        Thanks for the feedback.

        The Development Team is taking this into consideration for a change to the Interactive Brokers API when a stable release is available.


          any update

          Any update - when will NT allow us to load historical tick data from IB, the IB api has been stable for a long time.


            Hello chris_hkg,

            Thank you for your post, there has not been any updates to this matter regarding changes to the NinjaTrader IB API for historical tick data. I will, however, forward a note to our development team as well so interest in this is tracked for futures consideration.

            The ID for this request is SFT-2837. You may reference this ID in the future regarding this matter. If implemented, this would also list in the NinjaTrader Help Guide release notes (Help > Help > Release Notes).

            Let us know if we may assist further.
            Eric B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              I am very frustrated with NT on this front. Many other major platforms allow loading of tick data from IB and many other data providers/ brokers. NT has prolonged this for long enough

              IF NT can't provide historical data from its servers (ie HSI which you stopped recording data)- you must allow us to get from somewhere else, ie IB etc

              I can only hope they do it soon or I like many other will switch to another platform for a our charting needs.


                They don't care

                Originally posted by chris_hkg View Post
                I am very frustrated with NT on this front. Many other major platforms allow loading of tick data from IB and many other data providers/ brokers. NT has prolonged this for long enough

                IF NT can't provide historical data from its servers (ie HSI which you stopped recording data)- you must allow us to get from somewhere else, ie IB etc

                I can only hope they do it soon or I like many other will switch to another platform for a our charting needs.

                They don't care, they make a lot of money with their Kinetick data feed...
                I already made the switch to ATAS platform


                  Any update on this ? Transparency would be greatly appreciated. If you don't plan to make that update in a near future (because you want to avoid having clients unsubscribe from Kinetick) at least be honest and let us know....


                    There is no update on whether or not we will be implementing this feature.

                    The main hurdle is actually a limitation introduced by Interactive Brokers and how they throttle data requests when using third-party platforms. You can read more about this limitation here:

                    It is technically possible for us to use their historical tick data, however, due to the above restrictions, it would be practically useless because of how long that data request would take.


                      Thanks for your answer, it is appreciated. I think the issue you are referring to is mostly related to retrieving historical Tick data. Providing acces to it real time would not have the peacing violation limitations. Could you please reconsider and follow up with the development team to see if this could be prioritized?


                        When I purchased my ninjatrader cqg license I did not expect this dog dirt company to dishonour the spirit of the deal by not allowing major indices provided by cqg data. I bought the license, and cqg offers the data for both the Nikkei and the Hang Seng. So why doesn't it work? NT is not only pathetic at delivering a stable platform, they are also dishonest. What else do you call it? I will switch to Sierra Chart, which is 100x better in almost every aspect.


                          Some update, wanted to know information too, I intend to make trader in ganhar bitcoin. Can anyone help?
                          Last edited by BlackLS; 09-20-2018, 08:04 AM.


                            Originally posted by BlackLS View Post
                            Some update, wanted to know information too, I intend to make trader in bitcoin. Can anyone help?
                            Can't really be done with NT. The only alternative that I've found is to trade GBTC (OTC exchange).


                              Hello virtuose,

                              Thank you for your post.

                              I have forwarded your request to our development team to add another vote for this feature.
                              Originally posted by virtuose View Post
                              Thanks for your answer, it is appreciated. I think the issue you are referring to is mostly related to retrieving historical Tick data. Providing acces to it real time would not have the peacing violation limitations. Could you please reconsider and follow up with the development team to see if this could be prioritized?


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