If you go through the data series menu and change the show global draw objects back and forth between true and false and click OK or Apply the global drawing objects will appear and disappear as intended. For some reason the button click isn't working like this. The button click is only changing from true to false or false to true but seems to not be the same as manually changing in the data series menu and clicking apply or ok. Is it possible to do the same think as clicking apply or ok on my custom button clicking event? Is there something I can do to the code to make it do the same thing as using the data series show global objects?
Here is the button click event code I am using:
private void btnGlobal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//includes toggle function with logic below for markers
if (ShowGlobal == true)
ChartControl.BarsArray[0].BarsData.ShowGlobalDrawObjects = true;
ShowGlobal = false;
else if (ShowGlobal == false)
ChartControl.BarsArray[0].BarsData.ShowGlobalDrawObjects = false;
ShowGlobal = true;
Thank you.