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Coding Trading Strategy Buy & Sell Signal with Alert Pop up

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    Coding Trading Strategy Buy & Sell Signal with Alert Pop up

    I need Coding for Trading Strategy for Buy Signal on price closing above T 3 & PSAR on Green HeikinAshi Candle & Sell Signal on price closing below T 3 & PSAR on Red HeikinAshi Candle with Alert Pop up window

    Hello novytrader,

    Welcome to the NinjaTrader forums!

    Below is a link to a support article with helpful resources on getting started with NinjaScript and C#.

    Please start by watching the 'Automate Your Trading with NinjaTrader's Strategy Builder' and 'NinjaScript Editor 401' training videos.

    The ParabolicSAR is an indicator included with NinjaTrader that can be called from an unlocked strategy or in the Strategy Builder.
    Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

    If you wish to use another indicator as the input series, there is a modified version of this indicator that allows for an indicator input series.

    Below is a link to the HeikenAshi indicator if you would like to use this in a strategy.
    HeikenAshi technique discussed in the article ‘Using Heiken-Ashi Technique’ in February 2004 issue of TASC magazine. NinjaTrader 8 natively provides Heiken Ashi as a bar type for most common bar types (minute, tick, volume, second, day, week, month, year). This Heiken Ashi indicator is provided for the Range, Renko and any custom bar types that […]

    To trigger an alert in real-time to the Alerts Log window you can call the Alert() method in an unlocked strategy or select 'Do the following' > Misc > Alert in the Strategy Builder.
    Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

    Through email or on the forum we are happy to answer any specific questions you may have about NinjaScript if you decide to code this yourself. We are also happy to assist with finding resources in our help guide as well as simple examples, and we are happy to assist with guiding you through the debugging process to assist you with understanding unexpected behavior.

    You can also contact a professional NinjaScript Consultant who would be eager to create or modify this script at your request or assist you with your script. The NinjaTrader Ecosystem has affiliate contacts who provide educational as well as consulting services. Please let me know if you would like a list of affiliate consultants who would be happy to create this script or any others at your request or provide one on one educational services.​
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
      Hello novytrader,

      Welcome to the NinjaTrader forums!

      Below is a link to a support article with helpful resources on getting started with NinjaScript and C#.

      Please start by watching the 'Automate Your Trading with NinjaTrader's Strategy Builder' and 'NinjaScript Editor 401' training videos.

      The ParabolicSAR is an indicator included with NinjaTrader that can be called from an unlocked strategy or in the Strategy Builder.
      Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

      If you wish to use another indicator as the input series, there is a modified version of this indicator that allows for an indicator input series.

      Below is a link to the HeikenAshi indicator if you would like to use this in a strategy.
      HeikenAshi technique discussed in the article ‘Using Heiken-Ashi Technique’ in February 2004 issue of TASC magazine. NinjaTrader 8 natively provides Heiken Ashi as a bar type for most common bar types (minute, tick, volume, second, day, week, month, year). This Heiken Ashi indicator is provided for the Range, Renko and any custom bar types that […]

      To trigger an alert in real-time to the Alerts Log window you can call the Alert() method in an unlocked strategy or select 'Do the following' > Misc > Alert in the Strategy Builder.
      Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

      Through email or on the forum we are happy to answer any specific questions you may have about NinjaScript if you decide to code this yourself. We are also happy to assist with finding resources in our help guide as well as simple examples, and we are happy to assist with guiding you through the debugging process to assist you with understanding unexpected behavior.

      You can also contact a professional NinjaScript Consultant who would be eager to create or modify this script at your request or assist you with your script. The NinjaTrader Ecosystem has affiliate contacts who provide educational as well as consulting services. Please let me know if you would like a list of affiliate consultants who would be happy to create this script or any others at your request or provide one on one educational services.​
      I need help of professional NinjaScript Consultant or list of affiliate consultants as I can not do C+ coding. Please send me list of Professional affiliate consultants so that I can get help. I am ready to pay for the job. Please provide me an idea how much it should cost ? Thanks in advance


        I need help of professional NinjaScript Consultant or list of affiliate consultants as I can not do coding. Please send me list of Professional affiliate consultants & their contact details so that I can get help. I am ready to pay for the job. Please provide me an idea how much it should cost ? Thanks in advance


          Hello novytrader,

          You can search our extensive library of NinjaScript consultants through the link below. Simply enter a consultant name or search by using our filter categories. Once you have identified your consultants of choice, please visit each consultant's site for more information or contact them directly to learn more!
          Programming Services -
          Educators -

          You can locate the contact information for the consultants on their direct websites for any additional questions you may have. Since these consultants are third party services for NinjaTrader all pricing and support information will need to be obtained through the consultant.

          This NinjaTrader Ecosystem website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell a futures contract or make any other type of investment decision. The companies and services listed on this website are not to be considered a recommendation and it is the reader's responsibility to evaluate any product, service, or company. NinjaTrader Ecosystem LLC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any product, service or company linked to on this website.

          Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can provide any further assistance.​
          Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


            How do I become NinzaTrader Vendor to use NT 8 Licenced version wherever I can & use my code in it in my server


              Hello novytrader,

              Apologies, but I am not understanding what you are asking.

              You would like to license your custom NinjaScript for others to buy, is this correct?
              Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                I want to use my code on Ninza Trader 8 Charts in my computer or server . I just wish that in future I should not be restricted or not allowed to use Ninza Trader . At the same time I would like to know am I allowed to sell the code with buy sell signals on ninza trader charts to other people by subscription . Further please give me your email id so that I can directly email to you.



                  I want to use my code on Ninza Trader 8 Charts in my computer or server . I just wish that in future I should not be restricted or not allowed to use Ninza Trader . I am told that for this I have to become Ninza Trader Vendor to use Licensed version of Ninza Trader . Do I need to purchase Ninza Trader Licensed version for that ? At the same time I would like to know am I allowed to sell the code with buy sell signals on ninza trader charts to other people by subscription . Further please give me your email id so that I can directly email to you.​


                    Hello novytrader,

                    You can use your custom scripts on charts on your computer. There is no restriction to use Chart Trader.

                    If you would like to become a vendor to use vendor licensing to license the script for others to use, contact info [at]

                    "I am told that for this I have to become Ninza Trader Vendor to use Licensed version of Ninza Trader ."

                    You need to be a vendor to use vendor licensing to license your custom script for others. This is not a license to use NinjaTrader, this is a license you create for others to use your script.

                    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                      From where Can I download NinjaTrader 8 Desktop app


                        Hello novytrader,

                        The NinjaTrader Desktop installer can downloaded from the Account Portal.
                        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                          Originally posted by novytrader View Post
                          I need help of professional NinjaScript Consultant or list of affiliate consultants as I can not do coding. Please send me list of Professional affiliate consultants & their contact details so that I can get help. I am ready to pay for the job. Please provide me an idea how much it should cost ? Thanks in advance

                          [email protected]


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