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As soon as I uncheck "Break at EOD" the system gives me an error asking me to delete

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    As soon as I uncheck "Break at EOD" the system gives me an error asking me to delete

    Hi Team,

    Is there an update on this? Because, I'm experiencing a similar issue where in I'm using Unirenko Charts ( Downloaded from NT Ecosystem) and MZ Footprint Tool and Volume Profile tool. As soon as I uncheck "Break at EOD" the system gives me an error asking me to delete the cache. But everything works fine if the Break at EOD box is checked.l I've emailed MZ Pack as well, but they can't find a solution at this moment.


    Hello Taran,

    Welcome to the NinjaTrader forums!

    I've moved your post to a new thread, as this is not the same topic on TickReplay as the original thread.

    To confirm you are referring to the UniRenko found from the link below?
    (Update March 11th, 2020 – Fix for TickReplay, calculates values if bar object is mid-session and have not been calculated as least once) This is a conversion of the UniRenko ‐ Universal Renko BarType developed and originally coded for the NinjaTrader 7 platform by monpere. Please contact the original author for any questions or comments. […]

    I've tested unchecking Break at EOD and am not getting any errors. Below is a link to a video of the test.

    May I confirm you are using
    Have you opened a new chart?
    Following the exact steps shown in this video, the behavior on your end is different?

    If you can provide me with steps to reproduce on my end, I can take a look at the code and see what is causing the error. If something is discovered we can pass that information along to your 3rd party developer.
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Hi Chelsea,

      Thanks a lot for responding to my question. Yes, I downloaded the same file and I'm using it for a few days now. Let me explain the problem in detail -

      1. I use MZPack's Footprint and Volume Profile tool with the Unirenko bars. So I have to enable tick replay for the tools to work properly.

      2. Its only when I enable tick replay and uncheck "Break at EOD", I get the pop up asking me to delete cache. But enabling tick data and also enabling "Break at EOD" doesn't cause any troubles. Unfortunately, I've found that disabling Break at EOD gives me better results and entries than having it enabled.

      3. The "delete cache" error appears only during live market; but won't cause a problem when I use it after the session has ended.

      4. Surprisingly, sometimes the problem rectifies itself even when I enable tick replay and disable Break at EOD, this has created a lot of confusion.

      5. I'm using the old version of NT8, because at times, when I click on "Reload Historical Data" the problem disappears.But it only happens If I'm lucky. so I've decided to stick to it because the latest versions won't let this happen.

      6. I'm sharing a link to 2 videos - (1) When the problem kicks in during live session. In this video you'll see the Tick and Break at EOD enabled (2) In this video you'll see that the problem has rectified itself somehow and I have zero clue about it.

      Eagerly waiting for your support.



        Hello Taran,

        The link you have provided is to a file with restricted access. Please set the permissions for anyone with the link to view.

        To move forward, you will need to reproduce with a new blank chart that does not have any indicators or addon applied, to confirm this is an issue with the Unirenko bar type specifically and you will need to update to and confirm you are able to reproduce with the latest release.

        As you did not address if the link to the User App Share from my post # 2 is the bar type you have imported, I will make the assumption this is where you have downloaded the Unirenko bars.

        Currently NinjaTrader has released

        Updates to NinjaTrader will contain the latest security updates and bug fixes, as well as occasional new features and instruments.

        To update NinjaTrader
        • Shutdown all programs including NinjaTrader *important
        • Download NinjaTrader from the link below
          Click here to download NinjaTrader
        • Double click the downloaded file to execute it
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        You can read about changes to this release in the release notes linked below.
        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Hi Chelsea,

          Sorry for the links with restricted access earlier. I've changed it now so you should be able to view them. I'm now sharing link to 3 videos.

          1. ( Fresh Video after migrating to the latest NT8 )

          2. ( When everyhing works fine until I disable Break at EOD )

          3. ( When the problem rectified automatically )

          Also, Yes, I confirm that I downloaded the Unirenko bars from the Ninja trader ecosystem and I've also migrated to the latest NT8 You can watch the video where I've encountered the same error once again. It's either break at eod or tick replay, that cause troubles with chart and give me the pop up to delete caches.

          I'll wait for your response. Thanks again.



            Hello Taran,

            In your video I see that you are changing the parameters from the defaults. Is this required to reproduce the behavior or is this an unnecessary step?
            Also, your videos do not show testing on a new blank chart without any indicators added as I have directed in post # 4.

            May I have you test again following the directions in post # 4?

            As a heads up, no renko bar types work with TickReplay as these are IsRemoveLastBarSupported.

            However, I would not be expecting these errors, and I am not able to reproduce with TickReplay enabled on my end.

            I suspect it is the computer environment.
            Once we have confirmed the behavior can be reproduced with a new blank chart that has no indicators applied, I will have you send in a support email so that we may investigate further on your end.

            I look forward to seeing the videos of the test without any indicators applied.
            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Hi Chelsea,

              Yes, as I said earlier, I use MZpack's Footprint and Volume profile tool with Unirenko so in order for them to work, I have to enable tick replay and also disable "Break at EOD" ( to get accurate results )

              2. I'm a bit confused when you say that my video doesn't show a blank chart. Because, my first video for sure shows me running Unirenko on a blank chart starting from 00:16 until 1:27, it's only after that I used a template just to show you how the error appears.

              3. Also, I mentioned earlier that the Cache error appears only at the begginning of each session and somehow rectifies as 1-2 hours pass. I think Unirenko does work on Tick replay because how else my footprint and Volume profile tool work you can clearly see in the videos 2,3 that the footprint and volume profile tools are working just fine with Unirenko.

              4. It's either "Tick replay" or "Break at eod" or something to do with the cache.

              Please let me know if you need any logs or trace files or anything that can help us to pin point the precise problem.



                Hello Taran,

                I watched the first video again but I am not seeing the error. What is the time marker when the error appears on a chart with no indicators and no template applied.

                We are trying to determine that the issue is with the bar type, not with other scripts.
                Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  Hi Chelsea,

                  You can play the first video from 00:56 until 1:08, you'll see that I tried to load 40 days of tick data but it contracted to a few bars as soon as I enabled tick replay.

                  2. Also, the delete cache error would appear only when I try to load the chart with footprint and volume profile during the first 1-2 hours of the session. But there's a twist - If I enable both break at eod and tick replay, I wouldn't see the cache error.

                  3. Surprisingly, no issues remain after 1-2 hours have passed during the session. I'm attaching a link to a fresh video of everything working just fine at this moment because the session has ended and I'm confused to be honest.

                  4. In short, all problems appear only when the session starts and this has only happened with Unirenko bars, never have I ever encountered this with other bar types in the past 3 years.


                    Hi Chelsea,

                    In continuation to point number 1 . The video you see from 00:56 - 1:08 was actually recorded at 9:36 AM IST. The Indian session starts at 09:15 AM and ends at 15:30 IST.


                      Hello Taransingh,

                      I rewatched the first video again but I am not seeing the error message from 00:56 to 1:08. Am I watching the correct video?

                      With the less bars appearing, that may be due to a lack of historical tick data. Who are you connected to for data?

                      The video from post # 9 has indicators applied. To confirm, the behavior can only be reproduced when adding indicators? To confirm, the behavior can only be reproduced with those parameters for the UniRenko?

                      TickReplay does not work for any renko bar types or any bar types that use IsRemoveLastBarSupported.

                      From the help guide:
                      "Bar Types which use remove last bar concepts CANNOT be used with Tick Replay, and as a result Tick Replay will be disabled on the UI when IsRemoveLastBarSupported is set to true."

                      Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                        Hi Chelsea,

                        I have paid access to 60 days of historical tick data, so less bars shouldn't appear when I enable tick replay for Unirenko. As you can see from the new video, Tick data is enabled and I am seeing the footprint and volumeprofile working just fine thanks to it and Uni Renko bars are working fine in the new video.

                        Q1) I rewatched the first video again but I am not seeing the error message from 00:56 to 1:08. Am I watching the correct video? - Yes, you're watching the correct video and the contraction of Bars is indeed a problem that I'm seeking the solution to. This doesn't happen if I use Range Bars or any other bar types. It only happens when I use Unirenko

                        Q2) The video from post # 9 has indicators applied. To confirm, the behavior can only be reproduced when adding indicators? - Partially Correct, the behavior does appear when applying footprint and volume profile to Unirenko. BUT, it only starts and stays during the first 1-2 hours of the beginning of a fresh market session.

                        Q2 ) To confirm, the behavior can only be reproduced with those parameters for the UniRenko? - Yes, it can only be produced with those parameters for Uni Renko.

                        Q3) TickReplay does not work for any renko bar types or any bar types that use IsRemoveLastBarSupported. - The foorprint and volume profile tools won't work without enabling tick replay and as you can clearly see from my new video, I've enabled tick replay on Uni Renko and thus I'm able to see figures and stats on the footprint tool and also the Blue and Green lines from the Volume profile. So, how is that happening?



                          Hi Chelsea,

                          To summarize, I have 2 problems only.

                          1. At the beginning of a fresh session i.e. 9:15AM (Indian Standard Time) - I see delete cache errors when I try to open the following-
                          • Uni Renko Bars with Setting 100 , 300 , 500
                          • Tick replay "Enabled"
                          • Break at EOD "Disabled"
                          • Foot Print and Volume Profile Templates applied.
                          The delete cache error disappers after 1-2 hours and everything works fine with the above settings applied. I want the chart to run smooth from the beginning of the session.

                          2. Bars Contraction - This happens when I try to open the following again at the beginning of a fresh session i.e. 9:15AM (Indian Standard Time)
                          • Uni Renko Bars with setting 100-300-500
                          • Tick replay "Enabled"
                          • Break at EOD "Disabled"
                          BUT - When I click on "Reload Historical Data" I can see the entire 60 days of UniRenko Bars.

                          I've now given you a video which clearly shows tick data working on Unirenko along with the MZpack's Footprint and Volume profile tools applied.

                          Now Here's a Twist in Point number 1 -

                          At the beginning of a fresh session i.e. 9:15AM (Indian Standard Time) - Everything works fine IF I do the following -
                          • Uni Renko Bars with Setting 100 , 300 , 500
                          • Tick Replay Enabled
                          • Break at EOD Enabled.
                          • Foot Print and Volume Profile Templates applied.

                          I hope you now have a clear picture of the problem I'm experiencing.



                            Hello Taran,

                            You would not be able to use TickReplay with footprint indicators or any other indicators that require TickReplay using UniRenko or any other renko bar type, or any bar type that is IsRemoveLastBarSupported. It will not work with these type of bar types.

                            Specifically, I am wanting to reproduce the error message you have reported so that the error message can be addressed. We are not trying to make TickReplay work with renko bar types as we already know this won't work, we just want to address the error message about the cache which is unexpected. I am not seeing that error message when there are no indicators applied to the chart in the video.

                            I want to re-confirm, you are able to produce the error message you are reporting, when opening a chart with no indicators?

                            I once again viewed the first video, just to be absolutely sure I am not overlooking the error message, but I am not seeing that error message from 00:56 to 1:08. The chart appears to be loading without an error message. Can you provide a screenshot of the video at the moment the error message is appearing?

                            Also, you cannot reproduce when using the default values? The values have to be 100, 300, 500? Using 101, 301, 501, cannot reproduce? Using 2,2,4 cannot reproduce?

                            I have paid access to 60 days of historical tick data
                            Who did you pay to have access to 60 days of historical tick data?
                            What connection has a green dot in the Connections menu of the Control Center?
                            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                              Hi Chelsea,

                              1) If what you're saying about tick replay is True, then how do you explain the new video that I sent you? You can clearly see the stats such as Delta, min max , Cum Delta etc. This would be impossible without Tick replay enabled and it's working on Unirenko as you can clearly see - so am I missing something or are you pointing to something else?

                              2) Please also refer to post 13 where I've laid out the problem in points.

                              3) I purchased 60 days of tick data from "" they're registered data providers for NSE and are also a part of your ecosystem.

                              4) The error message is produced when you see point 1 in post 13.

                              Is it possible for you to come on google meet or anydesk? I'd like to show how I load the Unirenko charts with tick data enabled and with the footprint and volume profile tools applied.



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