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Adding attach to indicator within the ATM Strategy Parameters

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    Adding attach to indicator within the ATM Strategy Parameters

    I would like to put a request in for a feature. It would be nice to have an option in the ATM Strategy Parameters that allows for attaching your stop loss to and indicator value (To trail with).
    Any likely hood of this.

    Hello woodyfox,

    Thanks for your post.

    You can currently attach your ATM stop to an indicator however you first have to have the ATM active on the chart. You then right mouse click on the stop and select "attach to indicator". Reference:

    Just to clarify, you want to create an ATM template where you can specify to have the stop attach to an indicator on the chart? If that is what you want to do there would be issues with that because the indicator may not be on the chart, the indicator may not be in the correct position relative to the entry price/direction.

    Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_PaulH View Post
      Hello woodyfox,

      Thanks for your post.

      You can currently attach your ATM stop to an indicator however you first have to have the ATM active on the chart. You then right mouse click on the stop and select "attach to indicator". Reference:

      Just to clarify, you want to create an ATM template where you can specify to have the stop attach to an indicator on the chart? If that is what you want to do there would be issues with that because the indicator may not be on the chart, the indicator may not be in the correct position relative to the entry price/direction.
      Fully aware of the manual attach to indicator ability.

      Yes that is correct, I want to create an ATM template where you can specify to have the stop attach to an indicator on the chart?

      Couldn't the ATM template just use current chart indicators. The ATM does not have to be saveable. (Just like Alerts can be attached to current indicators, but are not savable?) There is no difference imho. As far at placement of indicator? The same issues arise if you attach manually to a chart indicator. If the value flips to a position that is not possible for the type of order you are using, it will cause errors. So whats the difference.

      So again yes, I would like to have a feature request opened. I think this would be a popular feature.


        Hello woodyfox,

        Thanks for your reply and clarification.

        I will create the feature request and will update this thread when the feature request is provided an SFT number.
        Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Awesome, Thank You Paul!


            Hello woodyfox,

            Your vote has been added to the existing feature request identified as SFT-2719, "Configure ATM's stop loss to trail an indicator"
            Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              i vote for SFT-2719


                Hello DTSSTS,

                Thanks for your post.

                You vote has been added.
                Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  Please add my vote to this but also before doing so ......

                  Is this being proposed only for within writing strategy code and or the chart trader atm template creation process?

                  My question relates more to the chart trader and attach order to indicator process - ninja please move / relocate create a new thread post if needed

                  Can you confirm in the current functionality - once an entry is filled and my atm strategy stop appears on the chart i can then attach to an indicator ; if i have 2,3,4 contracts in my ATM template this currently requires 4 separate attachments to the chosen indicator value option Plot in the attach to indicator dropdown ? Is there a more efficient way of doing this for all stops particularly when all are at the same price? is this doable currently ? if not can this be improved for efficiency in the attach to process?

                  Also in relation to this feature request will the multiple contract ATM template attach stops to the same indicator plot once?

                  Would be great if both approaches the manual attachment and the proposed feature request here do both efficiently

                  please advise and if any clarity needed

                  Last edited by explorer101; 03-26-2019, 05:42 PM.


                    Hello explorer101,

                    Thanks for your post.

                    We will add your vote to SFT-2719.

                    Yes, the current functionality allows you to add the stop (or profit) to an indicator once the ATM is active (IE: on the chart). If you are using a single level for your stop (or target) and a quantity of 3, all 3 would be moved to indicator with one click. If you have a multi-level stop or target, then yes for each separate order you would have to then click and attach to the indicator.

                    Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                      thanks paul - but in testing where i have 3 contracts with 3 different targets but the stop loss is the same and stop strategy is set to none ( what i was told and in the help is recommended to leave this to none) - it required me to one by one attach the generated stop orders once order is filled to my stop level indicator plot i choose. Can you test this or confirm this as what you state does not happen ie in one click - yes i am running the latest ninjatrader version


                        Hello explorer101,

                        Thanks for your reply.

                        To clarify, " If you have a multi-level stop or target, then yes for each separate order you would have to then click and attach to the indicator." So in your multi-level ATM, even though the stops are at the same level, they each would need to be adjusted if you wanted all three on the same indicator.
                        Last edited by NinjaTrader_PaulH; 03-27-2019, 10:05 AM. Reason: Typo
                        Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                          And so back to my original post and question ....

                          so what you are saying is that the only way to have a multi-contract ie > 1 contracts in ATM to be able to attach ONCE to an indicator plot for the generated stops - the stops would all need to be at the same level AND the targets would need to be at the same level ?

                          If that is the case this is not useable and who would do this? the problem with this is that you cant separate out the targets (easily or at all if im not mistaken) meaning they all hit the same target price even if you tried to move them ? Again who does this?

                          So again as in my post can you not make this more efficient as it seems to me more probable and likely that there will be multiple targets but the stops are more likely to be at the same level and in some instances at different levels - but where they are at the same level one should be able to only need to attach ONCE for this group of stops to the indicator plot?

                          What am i not clear on here? And as i proposed can we make this more efficient and useable and intuitive if it is indeed as restrictive as you are trying to indicate to me



                            Hello explorer101,

                            Thanks for your reply.

                            We are talking about the current state of what you can do today, yes that is correct. I could not answer the specific question of "who would do this?" but it does not stretch the imagination to see that having individual stops allows you to apply them to different indicators, such as moving averages, indicators based on pivots, fib retracements/extensions, atr values, etc. So there is value in being able to adjust individually depending on the type of trading that you do and while it may not be efficient for your particular trading style, it currently can be done.

                            With reference to SFT-2719, "Configure ATM's stop loss to trail an indicator", I will request that we add the ability to apply the indicator to all ATM contracts as well as the option to select individually. I trust this will meet your needs while keeping options open for others that want that individual capability.

                            Paul H.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                              Im not disputing the value of being able to attach individual stops even if initially all at same level to different indicators and providing that flexibility to support that trade style

                              However in focusing on all that flexibility your programmers/design team have omitted the more simple instances and wanting all the stops attached to one indicator price level
                              This is where at times it seems ninja is not designed by traders for traders and too much non intuitive flexibility is offered that is not efficient from a trade execution process perspective.

                              So yes "
                              • I will request that we add the ability to apply the indicator to all ATM contracts as well as the option to select individually

                              would cover this but as in the NT8 help - is called attach order to indicator process and not the other way around

                              So can you confirm if an ATM has all targets and stops at the same level - once an order is filled and those targets and stops appear on the chart ; there is no way to then separate these out eg the targets to different levels? to do so you need to separate them out in the initial atm setup ?



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