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Select Drawing Object's Template in Context Menu

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    Select Drawing Object's Template in Context Menu

    It would be pretty cool if the Drawing Objects' Context Menus in NT8 would show one more item --> to select a previously saved template, e.g. "Ray" --> Rightclick --> "Template..." --> "Template_A, Template_B..." - maybe you could note this as a feature request?

    Hello RonnyKeller,

    It is already possible to apply a saved template to a drawing object in the Drawing Objects window.

    Below is a publicly available link to the help guide on apply templates to drawing objects.

    Are you asking for a shortcut to this be added to the context menu of drawing objects?
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
      Hello RonnyKeller,
      Are you asking for a shortcut to this be added to the context menu of drawing objects?
      Would you PLEASE read my post more careful and with just a little bit more patience? Because your answer is deeply annoying and shows that you were hardly paying attention to what I wrote:

      "It would be pretty cool if the Drawing Objects' CONTEXT menus in NT8 would show one MORE item --> to select a PREVIOUSLY saved template, e.g. "Ray" --> RIGHTCLICK, TEMPLATES..."

      Of course I'm aware of the existence of templates and how to apply them, and it could not be more obvious that I'm asking to enhance the current CONTEXT- menu by an extra menu item to flip between previously saved templates! I just can't see how this was not clear in my initial post.


        Hello RonnyKeller,

        I'm afraid I'm still not clear.

        Are you asking for a shortcut of all of the saved template for that drawing object to be added to the right-click context menu? (This would be what I initially suggested, however, it seems you are telling me this is incorrect. This would be a shortcut list of the templates that can be applied in the Drawing Objects window)

        Is there a different type of template that you are wanting applied?

        Or you are asking for the most recently used template for that drawing object added to the right-click context menu?
        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          ChelseaB, please check the attached screenshot - maybe this is more understandable as when I just write "I would love to see an additional item for "Templates..." in any given Drawing Object's Context Menu.
          Attached Files


            Hello RonnyKeller,

            The screenshot you have shown is what I was suggesting.

            It appear that my understanding was correct in my first post.

            Do you feel the description I have clarified you does not accurately describe what you are wanting?
            Can you clarify how what I have suggested is incorrect?

            If not, I am happy to submit a feature request on your behalf for the NinjaTrader Development to consider adding a shortcut menu of the drawing object templates available in the Drawing Objects window to the context menu of drawing objects.
            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              ChelseaB, regarding your post #2 in this thread:

              - In your first line you tell me that is "already possible to apply a saved template" - something I pretty obviously already know, because I wrote in my initial post about "a previously saved template"; so part 1 is wasting my time

              - In your second line you annotate a link on "how to apply a template", which is just another waste of time, because I must be aware of that since I wrote about applying an already saved template

              - in your third line you simply repeat exactly what I wrote, just with slightly different words; so this is another waste of time

              And as if this was not enough, in post #4 and post #6 you name the simple repetition of MY feature request YOUR suggestion - which is just another waste of time, just as the need for this very post here is. too.

              All I wanted was to very quickly post a three line feature request to get time saving access to previously created templates directly through context menus, but now I wasted so much time going back and forth with you here, that I could probably apply the next 1'000 templates the current, complicate way (five or six clicks at least, each) and still would have wasted less time.

              I formally ask you for three things now:
              a) please forward my input to the developers as an official feature request - now.
              b) stop answering ANY of my future questions in this forum as this is just too time consuming - I'd rather be supported by any other member of your support team from now on
              c) forward or show this very thread here to your supervisor, team leader or whoever might be in charge, in order to find a way to handle forum requests without annoying paying customers and senior forum members like me

              This is the seventh post in this thread and you obviously keep re-questioning a VERY simple feature-request-input, while I STILL haven't seen an RFC-number - my patience hit the end of the line, now.
              Last edited by RonnyKeller; 12-19-2017, 11:30 AM.


                Hello RonnyKeller,

                Before submitting a feature request, it is important to me to know that I have understood your inquiry correctly.

                I had attempted to confirm that my understanding was correct, however, this was not confirmed which leads me to believe that my understanding was not correct, in which case I will reach out for further clarification.

                From your initial description, it did sound as if you were not aware that is possible to save templates. I did need to confirm that you are aware this is possible and you are simply wanting a shortcut of this added to the context menu, or if you need education about how to save a template for a drawing object.

                I have submitted your feature request.

                Moving forward, if I am understanding your request, please confirm this and I will immediately submit the request.
                Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  Is there a tracking number for this feature request?


                    Hello RonnyKeller,

                    I have not received a tracking ID for this request at this time.

                    We appreciate your patience.
                    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                      Hello RonnyKeller,

                      I've received a tracking ID for your request.

                      Your request for a shortcut menu of the drawing object templates available in the Drawing Objects window to be added the context menu of drawing objects is being tracked with ID #SFT-1832.

                      Please note it is up to the NinjaTrader Development to decide if and when a request will be implemented.
                      Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                        Just wanted to let NT's developers know:
                        THAT's pretty much what I was looking for !!!

                        Yes, this is a different drawing tool, but I think, those two "template"-options should be incorporated in ALL drawing tools delivered by NT


                          Originally posted by RonnyKeller View Post
                          ChelseaB, please check the attached screenshot - maybe this is more understandable as when I just write "I would love to see an additional item for "Templates..." in any given Drawing Object's Context Menu.
                          This is exactly what I looking for......thank you


                            Another thread requesting this feature to be added to the platform. What is happening Ninjatrader?


                              Hello diegomezhur ​,

                              Thank you for reaching out.

                              Features can only move up the list for consideration on future releases once they get sufficient votes/demand.

                              I will forward your vote to this existing feature request.

                              If you see another Forum thread for this exact request, please let me know!

                              For your reference, we have a new method for users to submit and vote on feature requests.

                              You can now use the link below to submit this request to our product team for consideration to implement in future releases:

                              NinjaTrader Feature Request Form

                              You can use this link for future feedback or features you'd like to see as well.

                              Thank you again for your feedback on this item!

                              Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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