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EnterLong is delayed by 1 bar

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    EnterLong is delayed by 1 bar

    I have a daily strategy that calculates an entry signal at the close price of the day.. I am placing an order calculated at the Close of the bar by calling:


    The order is placed 1 bar too late. The order is placed on the Close of the next bar.. How can I make it execute on the Close of the currentBar? I know this can't happen in real life but should be doable on Historical bars.

    You're experiencing this behavior while backtesting? In that case orders are always placed one bar later. This should not be the case while doing live trading.


      Hello afshinmoshrefi,

      When NinjaTrader is running with Calculate set to OnBarClose, orders are placed after the bar closes using logic calculated from that bar.

      Below is a link to the help guide on the Calculate property.

      This means that any orders that are triggered from that bar are submitted after the bar closes as the new bar opens. As the order is placed as the new bar opens and the timestamp of the order is within the time of the next bar, the order will show on the next bar.

      Calculate is always OnBarClose in historical data (backtest) when TickReplay is disabled.

      If the strategy were running with Calculate as OnPriceChange or OnEachTick in real-time or historically with TickReplay enabled, or if the script has intra-bar granularity and submitted orders on a smaller timeframe, this would cause the timestamp of the order to be within the bar it is triggered on as the order may be submitted intra-bar. This would show the order on the same bar as the bar that triggered the order submission as it would be submitted before that bar closes.

      Note: the Strategy Analyzer will always use Calculate.OnBarClose and intra-bar granularity would be necessary to add.

      This is outlined in the help guide Discrepancies: Real-Time vs Backtest.

      Also, below is a link to a forum thread about intra-bar granularity and TickReplay.
      Last edited by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB; 12-08-2021, 12:51 PM.
      Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


        This features introduces a limitation in back testing analysis which I'm not sure if is possible to overcome. In my analysis I use daily data and would like to simulate a trade as if is entered on the same bar as is processed. I do understand that in live trading that is not possible but for development it is standard. I have done this simulation with MathLab and believe is also possible with Octave, R and NumPy.

        I was also told by a friend that Trade Station has a feature where orders can be entered on the same bar or next bar which solves this issue. Since I use 40 data sources, addition of intra-day data is not feasible for simulation.

        Are there any ideas on how I may be able to use NinjaTrader 8 to do this simulation?


          Hello afshinmoshrefi,

          Unfortunately, its a matter of order of operations. If the order is placed after a bar closes that order's time stamp will be within the next bar. The only way to show an order on the same bar is to place the order before the bar closes.

          You could add a secondary series of minute if the accuracy is not that important. You could have the order be sent one minute before the bar closes.
          Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


            The issue is total of 80 data sources in 1 strategy. 40 daily data sources and 40 minute data sources are very very slow on NT8. I have written my own trading routine inside an indicator which can do the trade on daily bar close. The issue is that I cannot use optimization; that would be substantial additional programming.


              Hi afshinmoshrefi,

              When backtesting, intra-bar granularity would be the only way I am aware of to trigger an order before a bar closes.

              I think this would be necessary even if this causes a large amount of data to be loaded.
              Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                Originally posted by afshinmoshrefi View Post
                The issue is total of 80 data sources in 1 strategy. 40 daily data sources and 40 minute data sources are very very slow on NT8. I have written my own trading routine inside an indicator which can do the trade on daily bar close. The issue is that I cannot use optimization; that would be substantial additional programming.
                The 1-bar delayed entry is almost certainly because you are validating your entry before actual entry. There is only one tick on the bar when backtesting/optimizing. You need to account for that environmental difference.

                Same question in this thread. You can look it over for a resolution.

                My response is a bit far down in the thread, so here is the post that has a solution:

                As it was related to NT7, you will have to make the necessary adjustments for NT8.


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