I've updated the DailyLossLimit and DailyLosLimitMultiTrade examples that were posted on the forum for NinjaTrader 7 for NinjaTrader 8.
These are often requested and I felt they are good examples to have for NT8.
DailyLossLimitExample_NT7 - http://ninjatrader.com/support/forum...241#post451241
DailyLossLimitMultiTradeExample_NT7 - http://ninjatrader.com/support/forum...367#post475367
Update Sep 4th, 2018:
- I realized the print in OnPositionUpdate should print when currentPnL is equal to less than the LossLimit, not just less than it.
Update July 13th, 2020:
- Added DailyLossLimitBuilderExample_NT8; NinjaTrader_PaulH was clever enough to realize the Strategy Builder custom series can be used with offsets to do math and subtract the total pnl from yesterdays pnl to get the current pnl and provided an example.