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Order Flow Volume Profile - display is Displaced bug?

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    Order Flow Volume Profile - display is Displaced bug?

    Looking at the Order Flow Volume Profile "developing poc", it seems to be displaced one bar early than what the data would actually create. I've attached an example screenshot where the line changes a bar *before* prices trade at that level. (thick orange line in this screenshot)
    Developing POC uses the price level which has seen the most trading volume since the start of the session. It shouldn't be able to see into the future.

    Attached Files

    Hello saltminer ​,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Generally, when we see the behavior you describe, it is because the user's PC clock is out of sync.

    Before proceeding with more troubleshooting, let's synchronize the PC clock to see if the problem persists afterwards.

    You may use the steps below to sync your PC's internal clock that NinjaTrader's Charts use for its timestamps.
    • Shutdown NinjaTrader
    • Right-click on the clock in the lower-right corner of your desktop
    • Select "Adjust date and time"

    For Windows 10, select 'Date, Time, and regional formatting' > 'Additional date, time, and regional settings' > 'Set the time and date'
    • Select the 'Internet Time' tab at the top
    • Set the server to and click "Update".
    • If the message that appears says successful your PC clock should now be updated.
    • If not, select a different server from the Server: drop-down and try again (repeat until one of the servers is successful)
    For Windows 11, select Sync Now under Additional Settings. We would also recommend enabling your computer to set the time and the time zone automatically if they are not already enabled.
    After updating the PC clock, reopen NinjaTrader, then right-click in the Chart and select "Reload All Historical Data".

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if you continue to experience this behavior.​
    Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      I did all you recommended. No change. Clock precision is not the problem here. This issue shows easily on historical bars, and on freshly reloaded data. Just plonk this indicator on a chart yourself, enabling the Developing POC line, and you will be able to find examples. I still maintain this as a bug. (respectfully).



        Hello saltminer ​,

        Thank you for your message.

        To rule out version variables, I recommend you try updating your platform repair first, and if this does not resolve it, then you would want to try testing in Safe Mode.

        1. To update to the latest version of NinjaTrader Desktop please follow the steps below.
        • Login into the NinjaTrader Account Dashboard
        • Click "Download" in the bottom left-hand corner of the sidebar
        • Next select "Download" in the "Most Recent Release" Window in the main screen
        • Once the installation had downloaded, ensure any previous version of NinjaTrader is closed before running the installation package.
          • Note: You may need to locate this in your "Downloads" folder in a Windows File Explorer

        Restart the platform after it finishes updating, and test for this behavior again. If the issue persists, proceed to step 2.

        2. Please try testing your platform in Safe Mode to verify if this behavior is being caused by a 3rd-party add-on or isolated to the last active workspace, using the steps below.

        Safe Mode will prevent NinjaTrader from:
        • Loading workspaces and connecting on start-up.
        • Loading custom assemblies (i.e. 3rd-party add-ons and NinjaScripts)
        • Getting instrument updates from the server

        To enable Safe Mode, you can use the following steps:
        • Shut down NinjaTrader.
        • Click on the Windows Start Button
        • Search for and Launch NinjaTrader (Safe Mode)
        • You may then verify you are in Safe Mode by going to Help -> About.

        Once you have opened the platform in Safe Mode:
        • Reconnect to your Data Provider
        • Please open a new chart with no custom bar types/indicators/templates and test for issues.

        Does the behavior persist on this blank Workspace in Safe Mode?
        • If not, please try opening your previous workspace by going to the Control Center > Workspaces drop-down. It may already show as being open. Hit 'close' and do not save and then re-open it again for your windows to re-appear. You will notice that no 3rd-party add-ons are running in Safe Mode.

        Does the behavior return on your regular Workspace in Safe Mode?
        • If not, restart NinjaTrader, and test for the behavior on your Workspace normally once more with your 3rd-party add-ons available. If this reintroduces issues, I suggest rebuilding your workspace, adding 1 add-on at a time.
        • Please keep track of what add-ons you add back in to identify the cause of the behavior if it returns.

        If it does not return, it indicates the error was isolated only to your other Workspace. I also suggest making a backup of your workspace so we can restore a working version of it if the issue returns. You will want to keep this backup file on an external hard drive or uploaded to a cloud drive such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

        To create a backup, go to the Control Center > Tools > Export > Backup File. Additional information about backups may be read in our Help Guide linked below.

        Please let me know the results of this test. I look forward to your response.​
        Erick P.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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