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New version: does not exist volumetricBar ValueArea

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    New version: does not exist volumetricBar ValueArea

    Hello good day, I downloaded the recent version of NT: and I see that my custom indicators stopped working, because in the volumetric bars there is no longer access to the Volume profile data in the scripts:
    NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsTy pe volumetricBar = Bars.BarsSeries.BarsType as NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsTy pe;

    This Does not exist:

    How can I get the values ​​of: ValueAreaHighPrice, volumeAreaLowPrice and PocPrice with the new version? thanks

    Hello icebergdelphi,

    These properties were never documented or supported to use in a NinjaScript.
    (I am also not aware these ever existed)

    Note, undocumented properties are subject to change or removal without notice (as they are not supported to use in NinjaScript).

    Below is a link to the help guide with sample code on the properties available from Volumetric bars.
    Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

    Also, below is a link to a forum post that discusses the POC.
    Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
      Hello icebergdelphi,

      These properties were never documented or supported to use in a NinjaScript.
      (I am also not aware these ever existed)

      Note, undocumented properties are subject to change or removal without notice (as they are not supported to use in NinjaScript).

      Below is a link to the help guide with sample code on the properties available from Volumetric bars.
      Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

      Also, below is a link to a forum post that discusses the POC.
      Hello Thank you , I use the version of NT Number: Life Time and I get the Volumetric POC and Values Areas Check, So My question is why did you block the access to this value data in the new version? I need them for my custom Indicator in the Volumetrics Bars:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	59
Size:	13.4 KB
ID:	1330678

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	55
Size:	108.9 KB
ID:	1330679​​


        Hello icebergdelphi,

        Unfortunately, I cannot provide insight into why development develops the platform as they do.

        I can say, I'm not aware these ever existed (in the 13 years I've worked for the company). This would be something new to me.

        That said, any NinjaTrader properties that are not documented or supported, are subject to change or removal at any time without notice.
        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
          Hello icebergdelphi,

          Unfortunately, I cannot provide insight into why development develops the platform as they do.

          I can say, I'm not aware these ever existed (in the 13 years I've worked for the company). This would be something new to me.

          That said, any NinjaTrader properties that are not documented or supported, are subject to change or removal at any time without notice.
          But these pieces of code should exist because I paid a lifetime license, There are people (developers) that use these pieces of code for Indicators...


            Hello icebergdelphi,

            A lifetime license does not grant you properties or methods that are not supported for NinjaScript.

            A lifetime license grants you lower commissions.

            The forum post I provided a link to discusses how you can calculate the POC in the logic your script.

            If you would like to add your vote to the existing feature request SFT-3641 where other users have already requested this, I would be happy to add your vote.
            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


              Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
              Hello icebergdelphi,

              A lifetime license does not grant you properties or methods that are not supported for NinjaScript.

              A lifetime license grants you lower commissions.

              The forum post I provided a link to discusses how you can calculate the POC in the logic your script.

              If you would like to add your vote to the existing feature request SFT-3641 where other users have already requested this, I would be happy to add your vote.
              Thank you Where can I add the code SFT-3641? or are you going to do it for me? Thank you.


                Hello icebergdelphi,

                'SFT-3641' would be the id in our system for this user feature request. It's used to track the number of votes, and the progress on consideration and implementation.

                I will add your vote to this request.

                Please note, we receive many requests and cannot reasonably implement all requested features or changes. Interest is tracked internally and if enough interest is tracked, it would be weighed against how feasible it would be to make those changes to consider implementing, so we cannot offer an ETA or promise of fulfillment.

                When new features are implemented, they will be listed in the Release Notes page of the Help Guide. The ID number may be different than the internal feature request tracking ID, but the description of the feature will let you know if that feature has been implemented.

                Release Notes -

                Below is a link to another forum thread where this topic is discussed.

                While researching this topic, I was able to find an example you may find helpful.
                Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                  Hello icebergdelphi,

                  I'd like to pause a moment and ask, what are you actually looking for?

                  Are you looking for the maximum volume at a specific price within the period for the ask?

                  If so, this would be the '<volumetricBars>.GetMaximumVolume(bool? askVolume, out double price)' method.
                  Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

                  barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetMaximumVolume(true, out myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable);
                  Print("myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable: " + myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable);
                  Or the total volume at price?
                  This would be the <volumetricBars>.GetTotalVolumeForPrice(double price)
                  Print("GetTotalVolumeForPrice: " + barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetTotalVolumeForPrice(Close[0]));
                  Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                    Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
                    Hello icebergdelphi,

                    I'd like to pause a moment and ask, what are you actually looking for?

                    Are you looking for the maximum volume at a specific price within the period for the ask?

                    If so, this would be the '<volumetricBars>.GetMaximumVolume(bool? askVolume, out double price)' method.
                    Join the official NinjaScript Developer Community for comprehensive resources, documentation, and community support. Build custom indicators and automated strategies for the NinjaTrader platforms with our extensive guides and APIs.

                    barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetMaximumVolume(true, out myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable);
                    Print("myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable: " + myAskMaxVolumePriceVariable);
                    Or the total volume at price?
                    This would be the <volumetricBars>.GetTotalVolumeForPrice(double price)
                    Print("GetTotalVolumeForPrice: " + barsType.Volumes[CurrentBar].GetTotalVolumeForPrice(Close[0]));
                    Hello Chelsea, I am looking for The VAH, VAL and POC of the Volumetric Bar if you check my image, My indicator creates a rectangle bases in the data I sent you before:
                    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	13.4 KB ID:	1330746

                    Final Result blue rectangle Based on VP of the Bar ( My Indicator works so well with the last version 64-bits :

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	14.9 KB ID:	1330745
                    Last edited by icebergdelphi; 01-13-2025, 04:12 PM.


                      Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
                      Hello icebergdelphi,

                      'SFT-3641' would be the id in our system for this user feature request. It's used to track the number of votes, and the progress on consideration and implementation.

                      I will add your vote to this request.

                      Please note, we receive many requests and cannot reasonably implement all requested features or changes. Interest is tracked internally and if enough interest is tracked, it would be weighed against how feasible it would be to make those changes to consider implementing, so we cannot offer an ETA or promise of fulfillment.

                      When new features are implemented, they will be listed in the Release Notes page of the Help Guide. The ID number may be different than the internal feature request tracking ID, but the description of the feature will let you know if that feature has been implemented.

                      Release Notes -

                      Below is a link to another forum thread where this topic is discussed.

                      While researching this topic, I was able to find an example you may find helpful.
                      Thank you.


                        Hello icebergdelphi,

                        "Hello Chelsea, I am looking for The VAH, VAL and POC of the Volumetric Bar if you check my image, My indicator creates a rectangle bases in the data I sent you before:"

                        In your opinion, how are the VAH, VAL, and POC calculated?
                        Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                          Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
                          Hello icebergdelphi,

                          "Hello Chelsea, I am looking for The VAH, VAL and POC of the Volumetric Bar if you check my image, My indicator creates a rectangle bases in the data I sent you before:"

                          In your opinion, how are the VAH, VAL, and POC calculated?
                          The own Volumetric bar give to me what I want :

                          PHP Code:
                           NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsType volumetricBar = Bars.BarsSeries.BarsType as NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsType;    
                          /*BEGIN    Calucale VP Value Area*/
                            dicValueAreaHighPrice[CurrentBar] = volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaHighPrice;
                            dicValueAreaLowPrice[CurrentBar]  = volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaLowPrice;
                            valuePoc                          = volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].PocPrice;    
                           // DrawExtendedPOCLine();    
                          /*END    Calucale VP Value Area*/&#8203;​ 
                          Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	13.4 KB ID:	1330754

                          As I told you the NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.BarsTypes.VolumetricBarsTy pe:

                          VALUE AREA HIGH: volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaHighPrice;

                          VALUE AREA LOW:volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaLowPrice;

                          And the POC: volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].PocPrice;

                          The previous version gives me the data to draw a rectangle in the important area of ​​the Volume profile of the bar, I don't know if I explained myself, the previous version gave me all that data without doing much code.​


                            Hello icebergdelphi,

                            This would not be how something is calculated.
                            You are providing a non-existent property.

                            What is the calculation?

                            I ask because likely you have not looked at the value for the GetMaximumVolume() or GetTotalVolumeForPrice() I have suggested and these are likely what you are looking for.

                            If you can tell me how this value for the PocPrice is calculated, I may be able to tell you if this is a different method or property.

                            Either way, volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaHighPrice, volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaLowPrice, and volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].PocPrice are not valid.

                            You can choose to use something valid like I've suggested, or wait for the feature request to be implemented.
                            Chelsea B.NinjaTrader Customer Service


                              Originally posted by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB View Post
                              Hello icebergdelphi,

                              This would not be how something is calculated.
                              You are providing a non-existent property.

                              What is the calculation?

                              I ask because likely you have not looked at the value for the GetMaximumVolume() or GetTotalVolumeForPrice() I have suggested and these are likely what you are looking for.

                              If you can tell me how this value for the PocPrice is calculated, I may be able to tell you if this is a different method or property.

                              Either way, volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaHighPrice, volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].ValueAreaLowPrice, and volumetricBar.Volumes[CurrentBar].PocPrice are not valid.

                              You can choose to use something valid like I've suggested, or wait for the feature request to be implemented.
                              Well, for me they have been valid, it calculates them perfectly, for some reason those values ​​were directly from NinjaTrader, for now I think I will stick with the old version that I have because the new version messed up some properties of my indicator, later I will do tests with the calculations that you provided me and I will tell you in the future, thank you.


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