I'm hoping that you could submit this to the product managers, devs and designers. I would really really benefit from a better playback user interface with some sort of "Apply" button or submit button to set up the date range that I want to re-do. Right now it takes many clicks and multiple min. to set up. I do this multiple times a day right now to practice, and these moments add up.
Suppose I want to re-do August 1st, and from my prev session I have the 28-30 configured. First I have to change to Aug 1st on the Start date, as soon as I click out NT freezes to load that whole entire range from the 1st -30th. Now the scroll bar is next to impossible to use to find the right start time, since each increment is large. Even if I extend it to my entire screen. So I change the end date to the 2nd. Again another freeze as that sets up. Now I can scroll to the correct start time. As soon as I click off another freeze/re-load. It would be awesome if we had some sort of "Apply" or "Submit" button so that we could do all three clicks and THEN let NT load the historic tick replay.