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FXCM connectivity

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    this still seems to be an issue ?

    @ Support team is there no input / update / resolution ?

    @ the moment FXCM are now re-directing people back to Ninja Support ...


      @ninjatrader support

      Is this being worked on as a matter of urgency? How does it get to the point you're leaving your customers without a broker connection for days?


        It is not the first time that this issue happened. One year before it was the same: No connection to FXCM - NinjaTrader Support Forum
        And the same behavior. Silence from both sides.


          I've switched now to TradingView. They have today BlackWeek sale... I can't rely any longer on NT. So I wasted my money for that **** (sorry).
          Last edited by Cardn; 11-20-2023, 03:46 AM.


            Yesterday the connection worked again. This afternoon I wanted to establish a connection with another PC. But that didn't work. Now I'm afraid that if the connection is lost, I will no longer have access. And still no information from either side. :-(


              I deleted the configured connection and created a new one with the available "FXCM" and not "NinjaTrader FXCM" as normal and now it works.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	91
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	1278775

              I hope this will works for you too.


                Interesting. I don't have an FXCM option, only Ninjatrader FXCM. I guess that's another key upgrade!? I know the actual FXCM API is working, so maybe this is a short term fix. I will shoot an email to sales and see what they say. No alternatives. FXCM and Ninjatrader have given up on this it seems... Thanks for sharing this.
                Last edited by pjsmith; 11-20-2023, 07:08 AM.


                  Originally posted by jeronymite View Post
                  Forex generally seems to be deprecated by management policy. Most regrettably!

                  FXCM has issues that have been there for years, and which I have documented in detail and been told many times that "we're aware and working on them".

                  FXCM demo accounts are no longer available except by obtaining a "standard" demo account from FXCM and pestering FXCM every time to change "hedging" to "netting" and remove the symbol limit.

                  Worse, Index is also riddled with issues. My extensive reports to both NinjaTrader and Index caused a bit of activity for a while, but that was at least a year ago, and the same lack of obvious improvement is the result.

                  The free Forex data feed that was such an immensely sensible offering for years was removed this year, ostensibly for low usage statistics.

                  Even various other brokers that were at one point available and offered Forex have been made "no longer available/supported".

                  TD Ameritrade, "now" Schwab, is a mess, and even though it started offering Forex this year, is unlikely ever to be supported for that by NinjaTrader.

                  Frequent issues with Interactive Brokers (IB) connectivity software revisions cause headaches, with an API that could well be "enhanced" if both organisations were of a mind to do so.

                  And not surprisingly, the less "support" for Forex, the less the interest from potential paying customers, which causes a further reduction in support and facilitation "because of lack of interest", and so on until it becomes self-fulfilling that "people don't seem to want Forex anymore".

                  It's all symptomatic of recoiling from Forex and focussing on Futures, particularly in the context of the in-house brokerage, where major profits come from being the broker.

                  ​Compound all that with the repeated major quality control issues in so many releases, and one has to ask what management can possibly be thinking!

                  The almost complete lack of transparency in the company to loyal (still, surprisingly!) customers has been the way for almost its entire existence, and continues to indicate extremely low respect for the customer base generally. This does not mean that everyone in the organisation is of the same mindset, fortunately. Some notable exceptions try diligently, despite adverse policy, to be as helpful as possible -- all credit to them! Would that management more broadly could have the vital epiphany they need to really transform the company into the amazing technology and service/customer-oriented organisation it could be (including excellent Forex support) ... but which all too rapidly it is diverging catastrophically from.

                  Forex is unlikely to recover without that radically transformative experience in NinjaTrader Management. Foolishly, my naïve heart still hopes that's possible.

                  Don't forget too there's Kinetick which has a paid Forex feed with a few different tiers of service - though they don't do execution. But you're absolutely right - Forex seems to be really problematic right now in comparison with futures which is clearly where virtually all effort is going (with a footnote lately about futures options).
                  Bruce DeVault
                  QuantKey Trading Vendor Services
                  NinjaTrader Ecosystem Vendor - QuantKey


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