i use this forum to have a response to my issue, i try with ninja's support but they stopped respond me.
i bought ES (2023/05/04) and as soon i was in the trade the market went up and my target was reached (i use an ATM strategy with 6 ticks loss and 4 ticks tarrget) but the limit order didn't filled and i stayed blocked in my trade without the possibility to exit. I moved my limit order to try to be executed but it failed and i "liquidate" the trade but it failed too. It's my Gardian Angel Trader exited me with a loss.
So i wanted to know what happened and wrote an email to the support, the answer :
Your order to buy 1 ES at 8200 was filled at 8000. (9:47.22 AM CT)
You then placed an order to sell 1 ES at 8075.00(9:47.25 AM CT) which was modified 3 times in 6 seconds before it was cancelled.
The sell order was unable as the ES went straight down from there.
Thank you
BUT as i said my limit order was reached, i have sent my video where you can see what happened and i made a screen shot of the instant of the issue... BUT Terry stopped respond me (the last response is the 2023-05-05).
I put this screen shot here too and the link of my video.
Thnka you to respond me.