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Recommended procedure for updating to v27.1

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    Recommended procedure for updating to v27.1

    What is the recommended protocol for Updating to v.27.1 vis change to install path, effects on 3rd-party indicators, compile errors etc.
    I intend to do a fresh install on a back-up PC and get it up and running successfully with my current setup before making any changes on my existing installation

    I have run the installer and have a naked NT8, Licence Key installed, broker Connection etc. and working.

    But what next? Import add-ons using Import Ninjscript Add-ons or just copy the folder across from my other PC?
    Import a Backup taken from my current setup? (iirc importing a backup from one machine to another can have issues but don't recall what)

    What I don't want to do is let 27.1 anywhere near my current installation until I know my current installation can be successfully replicated in a stand-lone install of 27.1, compile errors (if any) fixed etc. What will be the best way to go about this?

    Kind regards,

    Hello brucerobinson,

    Thank you for your note.

    Since you have already set up your connections I would recommend reimporting each add-ons individually as moving things over in bulk would create compile errors without moving over other files.

    You will also need to reach out to the developers to let them know of the new Machine ID for the new computer. This may be found under Help > About.
    Spencer F.NinjaTrader Customer Service


      Hello Spencer and thanks.

      "You will also need to reach out to the developers to let them know of the new Machine ID for the new computer. This may be found under Help > About."
      All add-ons are open source, no locked .dlls, so this does not apply - correct?

      Re-import add-ons - fine thanks - I only have a few and want to avoid compile errors.

      But what about 'everything else' to recreate my workspaces e.g. chart templates, workspaces etc etc? .Ninjtrader.sdf (now .sqlite) file, workspace files and .xml, chart templates, indicator custom settings templates, custom Data Series template settings? etc etc etc etc Hence my question am I best restoring from a backup file (does it contain these), or copying these across - in which case which folder(s)/file(s) do I need to copy?

      Kind regards,


        Hello brucerobinson,

        Correct, if this is not required by the developers then the Machine ID information would not apply.

        As for the workspaces and templates, these are store in the corresponding folders within the NinjaTrader 8 documents folder.

        They may be moved manually to the same folder on the other computer by emailing or copying to a thumb drive.

        Please ensure that NinjaTrader is shutdown when moving files into the documents folder.

        Unfortunately, with the new format of the database file this will not be able to be moved over.

        However on your original machine if you do update to the new version your information store in the old database will be migrated into a new database.
        Spencer F.NinjaTrader Customer Service


          Hello Spencer and thanks.

          So to recap, and make sure I’ve got this right -

          ​​​​on back-up/testing pc:
          - install v27.1 & configure (done)
          - import custom add-ons
          - copy Workspace & Templates folders from v26.1 installation to \Username\Docs folder in backup pc v27.1 install
          (I don’t see an answer specifically to Data Series Custom Settings and if for example these are retained in the .sdf file, but see below…)
          Or would I be better just copying the entire \Users\Username\Ninjatrader 8 folder across after importing the add-ons, and clicking ‘no’ to replacing duplicate (add-ons) files?

          Once confirmed all good on test pc, run v27.1 update on trading pc.

          Will I, or will I not, need to re-import my custom add-ons in the original install v26-27 update exercise? If so, should I delete the old ones before running the update, import anew after running the update?

          Will I, or will I not, need to copy my existing workspace and template folders to a new location/where? and if so before or after running the Update?

          .sdf/sqlite db file - if I understand you correctly this will be ‘converted’ in the update v26-v27 update process (which will not be the case on the test pc new install). However does this mean that once conversion is accomplished on the trading pc update, I can then copy that Ninjatrader.sqlite file across to the test pc and gain all settings from my current trading setup? (to complete my backup Ninja setup)

          I believe I will need to copy the \Program Files(86)\Ninja…\Sounds folder to the equivalent 64bit install location in order to retain custom sound files. Are there any other user files such as these Custom Sound Files stored in the Program Files folder to be copied to the new 64bit program install location that I should be aware of?

          Kind regards,
          Last edited by brucerobinson; 12-31-2022, 02:50 AM.


            Hello brucerobinson,

            Thank you for your post.

            Data Series settings will be transfer over from the the Templates folder.

            You will not need to reimport anything when updating or original platform or move your workspace as these files remain in the NinjaTrader 8 documents folder.

            However you may need to manually move over any custom sound files. I would recommend making copies of them on your desktop before running the update.

            Lastly, correct in regards to the database file.

            Spencer F.NinjaTrader Customer Service


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